Prologue [Destruction Before Death]

These selfish beings that called themselves "gods" had already taken everything, and now they wanted to take everything that I had built up once again.

I despised the gods. The thought of those self-righteous bastards never failed to inflame my blood.

I couldn't save anyone from them before because I was weak.

Now I was strong enough to be on par with these so-called "gods," yet I still couldn't save everyone I loved.

What was the point of having this power if I couldn't use it to protect everyone?!

I wanted to kill them. I wanted them to suffer.

I wanted them to feel the sorrow of losing everyone they have ever loved.

In the spur of the moment, a voice chimed in my head, clear as a bell, "Master!"

It was one of her ability, Telepathy.

"What's going on, master? I can sense the citadel's structure weakening."

"Don't worry about me and leave this realm immediately."

"B—but master!"

"That's an order, Orutinaus."

As soon as she received my order, the girl was left speechless, and I could hear her trying to hold back on her emotions. "You have to go now."

I couldn't let her stay here any longer, or she was to meet a gruesome fate. I promised back then that I would be there for her, and she would be no longer alone. Yet, here I was, about to break the pact we made.

I was a failure.

"Y—you know I won't heed… that order…!"

I expected her response, but I had to get her out of here, even if I had to use force. She was the only one that stuck with me until the end. I cherished her as my daughter. She was indeed a blessing to my long sorrowful life.

But everything had to come to an end.

"Orutinaus, you're free from me now." There was silence for a moment, and I continued. "I'm grateful that I got to spend the last moments of my life with you." At that moment, the telepathy that connected the two of us abruptly cut. I've successfully sent her out of this realm.


Although my original goal was not achieved, nor could it ever be achieved, I still had some strength I could muster. As I dragged my battle-damaged body, dripping blood wherever I moved, I pushed myself towards the gods who were now mocking me. Those hideous faces made my stomach twist with hate, and my mind was filled with one desire.

To take these gods down with me.

If I cannot drag this weak body any longer to achieve my goals, I will at least take these gods down with me. I'll pull them to the most profound depth of hell.

"Release our comrade that you have entrapped in your wicked sorcery!" One of the bastards exclaimed with an ever-so-strident voice.

"Oh, don't worry about that." As I raised and pointed my right arm towards the gods, I concluded. "You'll see them in the afterlife. If beings like you even get one, that is." I charged all my energy into this single strike with that claim, and as my arm illuminated with bright light, I began. "I will destroy this world now."

With a single blow to the ground, the entire dome began to crumble into pieces, but that wasn't all. The cracks in the floor proceeded towards the skies, shattering them until nothing was left behind.

They took everything away from me countless times, and now, it was my time to take out theirs, "Sleep eternally, gods…!" As I muttered those words, the world was fractured like a piece of glass, shattering it to nothingness.

My life flashed before my eyes, relieving all my past and interactions with whom I loved and cherished. I have lived a long and sorrowful life, but if it weren't for the people I have met during the time I have travelled from realm to realm, I would have been driven by insanity.

On the verge of my death, I thought of only one person. She wasn't here with me, neither could she ever hear me, but I whispered words in the hopes of reaching her.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't save you until the end."

At that moment, everything in the world was consumed by bright light. In an instant, all existence ceased to exist along with myself.