[Sea Of Darkness]

With a small shockwave, the fireballs accelerated at a violent speed towards me.


Ever since Akane unleashed her flames to finish the creature off, I began experiencing a strange phenomenon. It was too faint, and I could barely make them out, but I could see this world as if it were breaking apart like a glass window. When these cracks, which I call "Dimensional Fractures," are faintly visible, they were the only colour I could visualize with my eyes and it alone during this strange yet powerful phenomenon.

For the past 3 minutes, Akane has been unable to control her powers. As time passed, her flames grew more uncontrollable and deadly. I had to do something.

While avoiding the attacks, I had a few things I learnt about the strange phenomenon: the dimensional fractures.

Firstly, it was a system that allowed me to know when and where the attacks were coming from. After receiving many of Akane's ferocious fireballs, I have learnt that the attacks follow the dimensional fractures' direction. Additionally, the fireballs seemed to blast off in a second after the dimensional fractures have reached my body.

Secondly, when I can see the dimensional fractures, my instinct seems to be higher than usual. It's not just that I could see which course of direction the attacks will take; it was as if the whole world were slowed down to match my thinking pace. If I were to describe it, it would be that I can see the attacks coming towards me in slow-motion for an instant moment.

But my "otherworldly" visual prowess wasn't perfect.

"Ugh…!" One of the fireballs managed to strike my right arm. It burnt my arm in an instant.

The pain was excruciating, and the burn made it worse.

"Ha-ha… I can't feel or move my right arm…" I thought out loud.

What could I do in this situation?

Until now, my adrenaline managed to get my tired, injured body, but I couldn't keep up any longer. I couldn't rely on the dimensional fractures any longer either, as they were too faint for me to see dodge Akane's consecutive attacks flawlessly.

I had three options: I could run away and call for help, but the problem was that this situation was not normal. I had coped with the current situation and handled it well for some strange reason, but it was a different story for other people; therefore, calling for help was out of the question. My second option was to outlast Akane's attack until her attacks were all depleted, but this option had quite the toll. Not only was relying on my visual prowess dangerous for obvious reasons, but I was also on the verge of collapsing. Additionally, it was an unknown whether her abilities will ever deplete, so this option was a no-go.

Lastly, the third option was to face Akane head-on. It was a suicide attempt. This option heavily relied on my visual prowess and my stamina, which were both risks to my body. Observing the battle, I noticed a lag in time when the fireballs were shot, meaning that Akane can't initiate an attack right after its previous attack. The third option was the most likely to bring optimal results.

"I can't move much longer…I have to hurry…!"

I took a deep breath and dashed towards Akane, burning all the stamina I had left.

"Akane!" I yelled towards her as she replied in a trembling voice, "Don't come near me!"

As expected, a fireball was shot with a violent roar.

—Please don't fail me now, eyes…!

I widened my eyes for maximum opacity. The world was once again in slow-motion and the dimensional fractures began coasting towards me. As it reached my head—


Predicting the time lag between the dimensional fracture and the attack, I quickly stomped my foot as far as I could forward and spun away from the fireball, my back facing against the deadly attack.

—I managed to dodge the attack!

Now that I had overcome the first obstacle, I continued running towards Akane. As I expected, she couldn't attack right away after firing her previous shot.

I only had one chance.

As I approached Akane, I could see her eyes widening in surprise. Tears began flowing out.

"You'll get hurt! STOP!" She shouted desperately as the flames around her grew more vivid.

I clenched my fist tightly. It was now or never.

Pouring all my strength into my left arm, I propelled my fist—


A giant icicle flew between the two of us, and I was blown back by the powerful shockwave it produced.


Smashed onto the ground, I was no longer able to move; my stamina was utterly drained.

As my muscles began to relax, the pain overwhelmed my entire body.

"GAHHHHH!" I cried in anguish.

It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts.

I couldn't hold it any longer. I was blacking out.

Because the pain was unbearable, I didn't recognize that a tall man in formal suits was making his way towards me, until he stood right in front of my collapsed body.

"So, is this him…?

—Was he talking about me…?

"I could just kill him right here for attempting to attack my lady," the man continued, "But you're a lucky one."

—I couldn't keep conscious anymore.

"Good night, trash."

I blacked out.


I have been walking blindly for what it felt like an hour in the pitch dark. I didn't know where I was.

My memory was fuzzy after the head-on combat with Akane. I remember that I was about to strike Akane with my fist, and then, a giant icicle flew towards Akane and me. I, for sure, knew that the icicle wasn't a natural cause. It had to be another person wielding supernatural abilities just like Akane.


Alerted by the sound, I quickly scanned the area for possible threats.


There was no one here, only darkness.


It was the sound of water droplets. Realizing the sound source, I scanned the ground to find out that I was standing amid a vast shallow water.

How did I not notice…?

At that moment, I noticed that something was wrong. It was as if I was missing something. Something important.

"Where's Akane…?" I ran around the vast sea of darkness, but it seemed that I was making no progress.

I remember Akane losing control and then—

In realization, I looked over to my right arm. That's right. I couldn't feel any pain from the severe burn that Akane has inflicted on me.

My eyes broaden at the sight of my arm—no, rather that there was nothing to look at. My arm was missing. It was not just my arm, but my whole body; my entire existence was absent in this world.

"You shouldn't be here."

A voice chimed across the vast ocean of pitch blackness.

The voice was gentle yet so firm.

Then, the voice rang out once more as the air became vibrant.

"Get out."

As it spoke those words, I began to sink into the vast sea of darkness.


Without a single moment of hesitation, my mind ceased to exist.

"It is too early for you to be here."


I opened my eyes.

"Where was I?"

I recollected my memories and began scouting the area. The room was significantly big; it was about the size of a living room. Beside me were medical equipment that were hooked to my body.

"Someone must've treated me." I thought.

As I was about to support myself off from the bed, I felt something weird—no, it was that I didn't feel anything.

I couldn't feel my right arm.

I rolled up my right sleeve and saw the state of my arm.

"You won't be able to use your right arm now." A voice called out from the back corner of the room.

"Hik!" I jumped.

It was a girl. She had short black and green hair that went down to her neck, and she was wearing a formal black suit with a solid black necktie. Judging from her appearance, she seemed like she was few years older than me.

"You scared me there…" I spoke.

She seemed quite taken back.

"Were you the one who treated me?" I asked, and she shook her head in reply.

"The injury you suffered would be hard for even professional surgeons," she took a small pause and stuck her tongue out, "and plus, I'm not that smart, hehe!"

Is this person stupid?!

"But back to what I was saying before," she continued, "you look calm for a person who lost his right arm forever."

I didn't understand her statement. Was I supposed to feel something from this?

"It is what it is, I guess," I replied firmly.

She stared at me blankly with a "hmm."

"You're a weird guy, huh?" She finally spoke.

"You're the one who was watching me sleep, though," I replied.

"Haha! You just looked cute in your sleep, that's all!" She said while scratching her head, "Girls like me are at that kind of age you know, haha!"

Is she a child?!

She stood up from her chair and began making her way towards the door, facing me once more as she reached the exit.

"I don't know what your situation is, but I have a feeling we'll meet again!" She said and left the room.

I looked over at my right arm once again.

"What did she mean…?" While whispering to myself, I was interrupted by another presence.

"So, you're finally awake, scumbag."

It was the man from before I blacked out in the alleyway.

"Are you the one who brought me here?" I questioned him as he clicked his tongue in disgust.

"It was only under orders, don't get the wrong idea, trash."

He was cold.

The man seemed around the same age as me and just like the girl from before, he was wearing a formal black suit, but instead of black, he had a mint-coloured tie. He also seemed to be taller than me.

"Get your ass up and follow me, you piece of shit," he said coldly.


The hallways were both wide and long. It was as if I was walking in a mansion.

Where was he taking me?

Currently, I needed answers, but I had to ask an important question.

"Is Akane all right…?"

Ignoring me, he kept walking.

"Hey, answer me, is she alright or no—," as I was about to finish my sentence, he interrupted, "Don't speak the lady's name with your filthy mouth, human."

He sounded as if he was speaking with trash. To him, I was nothing but a hindrance.

During our lengthy walk, I kept quiet and followed the man.

—If the hallways are this long, this place must be immense.

As I was looking around, the man came to a stop in front of slide doors, unfitting for the house's architecture and design.

As the man opened the door, I was surprised by the view. Inside, there was a vast garden consisting of flowers I have never seen before, on the sides of the big room, and behind a half-transparent curtain was an older man.

"Tanaka-sama, I've brought him," the man said.

"Thank you for your work Hachiro, please leave the two of us alone," the older man replied.

Hachiro lowered his head and proceeded to step outside.

It was just the older man and me.

As the older man walked towards me, he spoke, "My name is Minato Tanaka."

He had the same family name as Akane.

Just who was this man...?

"Shall we talk, Reo Miyazaki?"