[Into The Crisis]

"Are you sure you want to leave him there…?"

Hachiro quietly asked.

"It's for his safety."

Because of my mistake, Reo has already gotten hurt before, and I couldn't let him get hurt again.

"Although we're heading to the building right now, is it okay if I may ask how you knew of the intruder?"

"Suzuki-san called me and let me know. She said that she was currently on her way to our building."

"I see, are you also informed of the intruder's objective?"

Back at Reo's place, Suzuki-san had called, informing me of the intruder, but I still couldn't believe a single person was able to infiltrate the whole building's security. Being informed of their objective, it was clear that they had some association with the Reapers.

Was it a sneak attack from the other clans? No, that couldn't be possible, as the Tanaka clan were in agreement to keep peace.

Could it be an irregular…?

But for an irregular with such a significant objective, it couldn't be.

"They're going for the divine weapon, aren't they…?"

"Just as you say, the intruder seems to be after the 'Tenken.'"

I bit my lips while rummaging for answers.

"But the information of the Tenken's location was never revealed to anybody, even with the other higher authorities. So how did they possibly figure out that it was kept in our base…?"

"Tanaka-sama, I believe that the information was kept safely without it ever being opposed."

Hachiro was right. The location of the artifact could have never been exposed unless—

"No, it can't be."

"It seems that you figured it out, Lady Tanaka."

After rummaging for an absolute answer, I finally figured it out. Of course, the information was never leaked.

There was a traitor among the Tanaka clan.

"Hachiro, could it be that ther—"

As I was about to share my assumption, Hachiro raised his finger onto his lips, gesturing to keep quiet.

"Lady Akane," as soon as he began, I recognized it, "we'll be arriving soon."

He called me by my first name.

Ever since we were young, Hachiro has only called me by my last name. During our first mission when I was still eight years old, just before my incident, whenever Hachiro sensed that something was off, he called me by my first name as sort of a morse code to communicate without talking.

For him to suddenly call me by my first name probably meant that something was listening into our conversation.

Knowing this, I kept quiet until we arrived at the Tanaka building.

Just by observing the building from outside, it seemed as if there were no problems at all.

The Tanaka building stood tall without a single sign of danger.

Hachiro stopped the car in a place, absence of citizens.

As we got off the car, I could sense Hachiro's Rift Energy enveloping the air, and with a small sound of a crack, everything was over in an instant.

"Is it gone now…?"

"I've just destroyed it."

"Hachiro, what was it?"

"It was a meagre manipulation of the World Rift to overhear our conversation."

"Why would they want to overhear our conversation?"

Hachiro started thinking as he placed his hand under his chin, taking his usual thinking position.

"There is a possibility that the intruder may not know the location of the Tenken."

What did he mean?

"But shouldn't the intruder have been informed of the location if there was a traitor among us? Doesn't this mean that there are no spies in our clan?"

"I'm afraid you're wrong."

As we began walking towards the entrance of the building, Hachiro continued,

"If there were no informer among the Tanaka clan, there would be no way for the intruder to suspect the Tanaka building for the location of the divine weapon."

"Then why did they try to eavesdrop on us…?"

Hachiro paused for a moment and turned his head towards me.

"This is only my assumption but, I believe that the divine weapon is only a part of their master plan."

The divine weapon is only a part of their master plan? Just what were they planning to accomplish…?


"The intruder and the informer may be cooperating to achieve their goals, but I'm assuming that they each have individual grand objectives."

"You're meaning that they don't trust each other, even though they're cooperating?"

"Just as you said, Tanaka-sama."

That explained why the intruder would go out of their way to eavesdrop on our conversation.

They didn't know where exactly Tenken resided in.

This was good news, but at the same time, it was also bad news.

"So, the informer is using the intruder to cause panic in the building and take the opportunity to achieve whatever their goal is?"

"That's what I believe."

Hachiro was right. If the informer were working in secret, it would be wise to take the chance when everyone was panicking.

But the real problem only began here.

"What can we do then, Hachiro?"

"I am currently brainstorming a way to bring optimal results."

As we entered the building, the main floor was peaceful, as if nothing were wrong. This was to be expected because our base wasn't the building itself.

"Let's take the elevator," I said as we ran towards the empty elevators.

It was true that the Tanaka building was the base for the Reapers operating in the Tokyo district, but it didn't necessarily mean that the base resided inside the building.

The highest floor was off-limits for regulars in the elevator, but that was just to prevent them from ever pressing the button.

Even if the regulars were to press the button to the top floor, there were no worries of them ever entering the base because they had no ounce of Rift Energy.

To get to the actual base, the Reapers were required to pour a small portion of their Rift Energy into the elevator to be able to enter a spatial dimension, separated from the real world.

"Tanaka-sama, I will begin now."

I nodded in response as Hachiro closed his eyes and began releasing his Rift Energy.

The elevator began trembling as a sign that it has successfully taken a sufficient amount of energy to operate its real purpose.

As the elevator let out a ding, the door opened to reveal a vast hallway with a shiny marble floor.

We have reached the Reapers' base.

Usually, the hallways were devoid of people, but the hallway was congregated with alarmed people because of the current situation.

Among the crowd was my father.


He ran towards me through the mass and grabbed my shoulders.

"What are you doing here?!"

"Father, I've received a call that there has been an intruder."

"A call? I made sure not to report it to you so I could keep you out of danger, but… Who told you?!"

"Kimiko-san, told me."

My father proceeded to click his tongue and began cursing her.

"That careless child…!"

He then looked at Hachiro and said,

"I have to go report this situation to Minato-sama. Hachiro, I entrust you to keep her safe no matter what."

"I will swear on my life to keep her safe, Special-class Reaper, Katashi Tanaka-sama."

Although I wanted to complain that I could protect myself, I knew well that there was no way to defend myself in this state if I were to encounter the enemy.

It was frustrating, but I had no choice but to be guarded by Hachiro.

"I trust you to protect me, Hachiro."

"I will guard you with my life, Tanaka-sama."