
Silence. And I'm a vampire with heightened sense of hearing. It was complete silence in the room.

"Fuck." her voice was so deep. Wait... Bryan! He said. I almost forgot he was even here.

My head whipped at him and I moved fast and stabbed him in the hand. He cried out in pain and clenched his eyes shut. Another hand wrapped around mine and tugged, it was my sister's. Soon the rod was out of his hand and in the hands of veronica. She glared at me with angry eyes daring me to do something to his precious mate.

"What? Now you side with him?" I accused.

"I'm not siding with anyone." she snarled at me. "You could've just told me that, but you didn't, which makes you look suspicious!"

"I'm suspicious!?"

"What would you do if he was in your mate's place and I hid that fact from you."

"I would trust you, even if you're leading an army of Nazi's." I raised my voice.

"I'm your sister, scar, but that's

blind trust not trust. I want you to not hide anything from me!"

"Well, think what you would've done if you were in my place!"

No answer.

"I wanted nothing to do with him even if he killed Charles. But now I want to kill him. Could you trust me on this?"

"So you didn't knew he existed?"

"No! Damnit" I said completely frustrated.

"I thought... You knew him but you didn't told me, and he killed him... It just... So frustrating." she groaned and pulled hairs, completely frustrated.

"I know. Me too." I agreed.

"I don't know if it'll be rude to say this but you are that girl I was talking to yesterday and you are the girl that I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with" Bryan said slowly and calmly pointing his finger from me to her, while his hand is still chained to the chair, "And you both are vampires and you're his mate, she's mine, and I'm getting tortured by her while her knowledge." he shook his head and stared at his legs. "Why am I not dead already?"

"Well I can arrange that!" I squared my shoulder and started moving towards him, that's when her hand gripped mine.

She looked at me with bored expression. "He's joking" then she turned to him and eyed him up and down. "He's also a child." but then grimaced. "A man child." then nodded agreeing with herself.

"You two will make perfect pair then." I whispered. "Now let's deal with my other half who is soon going to be just half."

She looked at me with uncertainty. Then, "Are sure?" I nodded to which she shrugged. "One less thing to worry about."

"You two realize that I'm still here right?" he said. "If you two weren't sisters, I would've said you were married."

"He is a child." my sister sighed.



he wheezed. "It's his name." Veronica removed the rod from his jeans where his crotch is. Although we didn't stabbed his dick, we were close. Veronica didn't even hesitated.

"What's the worst could happen? He'll using fingers and his tongue for the rest of our lives." Her exact words to which I shrugged.

"Damain." I repeated. "Last name." I demanded. Veronica gripped the rod closer to his crotch again.

"Silvester! Damain Silvester!" he said quickly.

"Hmm. Ver, figure out what to do with him." I said and headed to my room.

I plugged in earphones, just in case.


I really need sound proof head phones or my ears are going to bleeeeeeddddd!

"Ugghhh" I pressed my hands over my ears to at least block out some of the arguing. I swear they will rip each others head off any second now.




"Oh my fucking god!"



Wait what?

I removed my hands from my ears just to be sure.

Ver killed him. Finally.

I fist bump my hand into the air. She really has guts. She's my sister after all.

"You leach!"

Oh, he's alive after all.

Wait- he kissed her?!?

I ran down the stairs and in a flash I slapped him hard on the cheek. He was looking flustered and... Wait, is that...?

"Is that a lipstick mark on your neck?" I asked totally confused. "It must be whilst she was pushing you away." I turned to my sister and said, "I'm going to hurt him."


I gave her an utterly confused and strange look? "Have you lost your rest of the brain cells? You just called him a leach!"

"I... I'm... Confused." she shrugged helplessly.

I blinked. Then blinked. Then blinked again. "Do you want to rip off his head or his clothes? I would totally recommend the first." I suggested.

"Umm... That's the thing. I'm conflicted. Both seems rather tempting." she admitted. I mean I can't say I would be not bothered if a really dashing yet annoying person who you already might have connection to.

I gave myself a second to let his looks sink in. Black hair, hazel eyes, sharp jawline, connected beard, a scar on his eyebrow—sexy. Tall, almost five ten, mascular—in right places, hot.

"Ayo, bitch." my sister snapped. "Whatcha looking at?"

"I think he is quite worthy of your time, also considering the amount of torture we caused on him... You can sleep with him." I nodded.

"Did you became my gaurdian? I did not knew that I needed your permission!"

"Yeah I think she's right." Bryan butted in. I gave him a glare hoping he would shut his mouth.

"Thanks." my sister sighed and she opened her mouth again to speak with me but he interrupted again.

"I was talking to Scarlett. You should, ya know ... Sleep with me?" he gave her a suggestive smirk. "Or not. Yeah I would rather have my balls still attached." he added quickly given a death glare from my sister. He's gonna die.

"It was not nice knowing you but oh well, see you in hell." I waved at him. I would rather spend some time in a mall or something unlike hearing hours of shouting without getting my work done.


I can't.

I simply can't.

I can't fit into these high wasted jeans. My thighs or big for them, so is my butt, but I can't seem to reach to the waist! What is the meaning of high wasted jeans if you can't even get it up from the hips.

I don't know if I'm distracting myself or just ignoring my suppose life. I'm a vampire who has a mate as a killer, who I am quite displeased to meet, and a sister and his mate at home, conflicted about getting their lusts or their blood thirst fulfilled, and I am trying on clothes which do not fit!

I need a drink. A bottle. Few bottles.


"Max! My girl!" I said. "It's so nice to see you!"

"You're drunk?" she asked. "Yeah you are, you would never say you are happy to see me. And I'm Maine."

"Same thing." I said and rolled my eyes. Meet Maine, the witch, not a bitch. I always thought witches were always sarcastic, dramatic, narcisissist. But she's none of them. She's nice actually. Have you heard of the phrase 'kill them with honey.' no I think it was sweetness. Kill them with sweetness. Yeah, she's that.

"Can you give me a temporary normal hearing spell? My sister and his mate is being loud as Fuck." I complained.

"Sorry, sweetie. You can just tell them to do love fest somewhere else." she suggested

"Eww. No, the loud as in shouting loud. Not fucking loud." I said and took a swing from the third bottle of Jack Daniels.

"Oh. I'm sorry, wish I could help" she mumbled. She says sorry so much.

"You can actually help." I pointed out. "Let me just get a bit sober first." I used my brain for the first time in hours.

After puking everything in me that was alcohol, I came back to the seat beside.... Max. No! Maine.

"Locator spell" I said. "Damain Silvester."

"That's it? You're on two words Answeres again? You're more nice when you're drunk." she shook her head. "Have you met him?"

"Yes. Gonna kill him."

"You know, I will not be helping you kill someone innocent right?" she asked. "Because I won't be going to help you."

"He killed my friend. He's a vampire." I said exasperated.

"You don't mean... Damain as in one of the gifted?" she asked suspiciously.

"Come again? Gifted?"

"You know, with other powers. Damain, he was a witch before he became a vampire. He can do spells although he's a vampire." she said seriously.

I blinked slowly. Did it again. "Can you help me or not?" I sighed. Damain was being a real pain in the ass.

"I can see what I can do, but I can't promise you anything."

I nodded and let her do the witchy woo. After mumbling some chants and spells she opened her eyes.

"He can't be found."

"What? Error 404?" I asked sarcastically.

"That's computer language. I can't find him. He's done some cloaking spell. Or it's just his shield." she said before letting his serious eyes on me. "Look, Damain is not someone you could deal with alone. He could end you in a second and so he does to most people. Going against him, it's not going to end well."

"Thank you for your concern, Maine, but I think I'm going to take my chances. I will have it my way."


Coming back to Charles house, it was quiet. Suspiciously quiet. Soon I found out my sister was sleeping and Bryan was tied to the chair also sleeping. I felt complete exhausted. No amount of alcohol helped, no witch helped, no vampire helped. Only if I hadn't been paired with him, things could've been different. I would probably be on my way to a new state. Not in my dead friend's house. We are not safe here. Any vampire can enter with an invite since the owner passed.


Next day, ver and I decided to stay at an apartment which she rented for her as her place. Ver and Charles were like dating before I came, that's the new I got today. Bryan was still tied, Veronica didn't trusted him, no matter how much of a child man he was. Our blood bags were also running out. So, she decided to go around the hospital. There was only me and Bryan.

"Tell me more about Damain." I said calmly. If he don't answer, I won't be very calm.

"He is my friend." he says with a serious face.

He want to play, we'll play.

I stabbed the first knife in his knees. "Something I don't know."

"Err... He's all business. Intimidate everyone in his path, always gets out of trouble easily. One time he ate Ella's cake, I still wonder how he's still alive." he ended with disbelief. I stabbed another knife net the first one, that hurts like bitch.

"I didn't asked for personality check. I want to know where he might be." I said through clenched teeth. "You're so lucky for living this long. I planned on killing you the moment I knew you told about me to your friend."

"Urghl" he choked panting. "Please remove it." the knives were gone and he started breathing normal again. "He don't have a place." he shut his mouth again.

"A place where he might be!" I demanded as I stabbed him in the stomach. He talks nonsense but not the actual useful shit. "I'm gonna lose it if you don't give me what I want. And that ends up you being dead."

"You're hot when angry. I wonder what reaction he had when he saw you." he chuckles and I stabbed him deep in the stomach again which made him stop completely and made choking noises.

"You should know, I won't hesitate to kill you. After I kill you, your sister will be the next." I threatened. Surprisingly, he didn't looked angry, instead he started laughing and choking.

"You will hesitate to kill me. What will your sister do once she knows his mate is gone? And what do you think will happen once damain knows his friend is gone and you're after his precious Ella?" he ended laughing.

"You just added more reason to kill you. My sister will be mad. Probably won't talk to me for a century then what? She's still my family. She was content before you. You make no difference in her life. You're here for what, a day? As for damain, this will just be a tit for tat. He killed my friend, I'll kill his. Ella, everyone's precious. Tell me what make her so important to everyone?" I asked with interest. "Maybe, I should find her myself and bring her here."

The doorbell rang and in a moment someone was on top of me. I knew who she was. I didn't knew it would be this fast.

Ella. She looked so much like his brother. Black hair, hazel eyes, tanned skin tone, strong. Hella strong. I smiled, "Hello Ella."

A few moment later she dropped dead beside me, face first and I met face to face with my sister. "Hello again, sister."

"Who is she? why was she on top of you? Why do you have him on torture? Why do you look like you're about to shit?" my sister went from asking me to Bryan. He looked like he was about to go hysterical. I expected that reaction from him.

"Veronica meet your maybe future sister-in-law, Ella meet your maybe sister-in-law." I smiled "Isn't this just a happy union?"

My sister was in loss of words and so was Bryan. "I snapped his sister's neck?"

"And his sister was about to snap your sister's neck. It's okay she'll come back to life in an hour or so." I looked at Bryan before finishing, "Happy reunion."

Bryan looked at Veronica, "You snapped my sisters neck?! And you! I'm going to kill you!" he pointed at me.

"Oh, do try." I waved it off. "Once you're free again."

"How is she here?" Veronica asked.

"She came here herself. I just gave her a little push. I had someone to give her information about his brother being held by hunters. Here she is. She's really fast, It was just half an hour ago I think, the information was being said." I said while both my sister and Bryan started at me.

"Just before I left? You had an angry vampire after you and you didn't even had a nerve to say that to me?!"

"I had a nerve, don't be mistaken, sister. I just wanted to know what was so special about her." I eyes Ella with confused look.

"You were going to fight her?! Are you completely insane?!"

"Oh my god! Chill, Ver. She's not harmful anymore, is she?"

"What would've happened if I wasn't here?" she put her hands on her hips.

"I would've been fighting her. She's younger than me and probably less trained." I shrugged.

My sister walked towards her and turned her around so that her back was on the floor and face up. She gasped and covered her mouth.

"She's gifted."
