Can you make a novel on a facebook post?
This is the first thing I thought when I'm not online. And this is this is the the 0th chapter of a Webnovel that I'm attempting to create. Well, it's more like a discussion of sorts, focusing on the topic of creation of a character and original characters.
Chapter 0-Webnovels
Part 1
Webnovels are known to be written mostly by Korean writers. The length of how many chapters they can dish out and words written on a single chapter is likely akin to light novels and hardbind novels. I ponder about the thought if a novel can be composed on a platform such as a Facebook post. Probably the next chapter will come after this. I can do this. Okay why do I feel like I've just received a light writer's block just now? Never mind, on the topic of Webnovels. Ah yes where I was.
Typically the Webnovels or content written or created by Koreans seem to be very long take Korean drama as an example, an hour ling montage of exposition shots that you can make an amazing music video out of it, exposition shots that take precision to capture, there are also Webcomics that doesn't know limitations on panel composition and characters that are free running like a platform in their own world which is great not going to lie. And then there's the Webnovels, the longest chapter count I've encountered is 1000+. Yes that is a plus sign I've typed which means it's still ongoing. I just can't seem to compete with these writers knowing my origin as an Asian...wait Korea is also part of assai.
Writing is a free form for every country regardless of the country they're from. Writing is a hobby for most, well not all Americans, there can also be African or Japanese writers as well. I'm thinking of ways to fill up the topic while staying consistent to the words inputted on this long post.
One can only wonder where writers get all the ideas for plots and character interactions. I'll take a guess that it could be inspirations from outside media, such as endless shows and anime on televisions and soap operas, there's also written fiction, books on hardbound copies. Shoot it was actually hardbound not hardbind. I just realized the correct spelling, the first paragraph has that error welp it's there now. Moving on.
I've recently found myself reading a novel called this and i find some parts of it confusing and most part laughable, an MP inspired book as they said. But I don't know the humor of MP. There's also that one light novel that I found entertaining to read from the first episode of the first season up to the last second of the film. The characters and interactions are laughable to an extent that I have chuckled and held my stomach.
Writing should have spaces in between. I forgot to input white spaces for the reader to take a break. One moment, while I make whitespaces...
Damn, I can't see the text vividly. I'm typing on a free data phone with a whitish gray background and a white text. I can only imagine how long this would take to read but I do believe there are some fast readers that can swiftly pass through these walls of text. Like how a blade passes through paper.
Does 800 words per minute a bit of overkill when reading too fast? I'm not counting on how many words I've typed so far. So I guess about less than a thousand? Anyways this is more likely a guy just spouting facts for people that want to start reading Webnovels. This can also help you in writing contents on your own chapters, and also read more Webnovels. The longer you read the more experience you'll have on writing. Now moving on to a novel-like starter. Let me have a try.
I stand alone and found a chair by my side. Am I supposed to sit here? That question came up to my thought. But the only thing I see is a white space in front of me devoid of edges. There is an infinitely widespread of a space exact. The edges, well, no edges can be seen not even corners. It seems Like I am floating yet the dim shadow on my foot reminded me that I am standing on a flat surface.
Is this how a Webnovel starts from the 0th chapter? I think of ways on how to create a desk. Maybe a desk would be nice to have right now. A table to lay rest for my arms has worn out.
Then, a table didn't appear. I think having the thought of the table existing would benefit my situation, to have a table right in front me to start working on creating content. One can only appreciate the thought of having a chair to sit upon. But having these thoughts doesn't make the material appear out of thin air. Materializing an item suddenly in a realm where nothing exists isn't an easy task; it might take some inspiration or an imagination for it to work.
Creating a character would be easy for a first timer. The most thing OC creators create is a self-insert character, well most of them perhaps. Some stray from the singular thought of self-insert and instead creating other characters than themselves. There are also others that created characters that are many, too many take one thousand characters, but some characters are forgotten and would somehow get stuck in a shelf somewhere unbeknownst to the creator if it even exists in the first place. And possibly the existence of the forgotten characters slowly fade away as years pass by. I dearly hope that you all remember the characters you've made during your creation phase. It's fine if you don't draw them most of the time, simply talking about them can help their existence on staying relevant.
But on my creation of the OCs, I referenced from outside sources, a fantasy film to be exact. It has questionable dialogue that can only leave the English audience saying "wat". Dilly dally silly sally, what are you saying woman. But the fight scenes, context on the fight scenes and I must say this, in all its glory and composition of music. I daresay in 7 letters. AWESOME with all capital letters. Specially, the original part where the sword became separated when thrown, the remake version is kind of eh for me. I like the one where he throws it. I would recommend for all weapon loving creators.
The draft is done in my mind. Maybe you should check out a Webnovel today. Be back after I've written up to the point of this post's word capacity.
Part 2
Okay got back from deep thought.
The first set of characters lies on my field of sight screams fantasy in all aspect. Their clothing sense is not known to be the general term of everyday wear. It's a first for character creators to link characters to fantasy rather than reality, but not all of the creators, some of the creators base their characters on reality and real characters. This group is a general term of a chimera fusion from various inspirations of unspeakable names. Not the monstrous kind of chimera, we're not making horror here.
The first one (Terro the Slasher) to exist has a sword strapped on his belt. That very same sword that can project beaming slices from a distance likely from a panda film's opening scene, a pant design that takes from a game character that is fiery as it's counterpart and has a pair of black wings. And an eyeglass that seem to be a hindrance rather than an accessory. The eyewear is covered in a headphone like design, covering one's ears I question the design choice inspiring from a game character that is equal to a blind man. The referenced character is an android and has a number for a name.
After the first run through of his abilities, he's fitting to be called a swordsman. Although, he had troubles encountered when dealing with explosive mines on the ground. Just having your hearing and sight lightly blocked could cause one to lose sensitivity on their one's feet.
And there's the chain on his left leg. Adding a feeling of heaviness when walking, the positive side of it is having a stable stance when firing slice beams out of the sharpness of the blade. I wonder if the belt cross has something to do with religion but ignore its implications. I didn't include religion as part of his identity; I should add it just in case to have more words on his profile information.
The second (Jeff the Disciple) one wears inactive wings covering his kimono, the kimono robe had writings of a spell by the side. Having the power to wield a certain type of flame can make one to question if his hand is affected by the dancing azure hue. It's not that this is linked to certain anime. Why would you think of that? It's linked to various media not just that single anime boy that has a blue flaming katana.
His abilities can be called practical and likely in tune with the first character. Because both characters use a blade, with the first using a blade and the other a katana. The first is a slice thrower and the second a flame bearer. The second one's ability is an area of effect offensive skill. When faced with opponent in medium numbers, like ten individuals for example, the AoE (Area of Effect) skill can take on most of them.
Ah wait. It seems procrastination is trying to call upon my writing soul. Hold up while I yeet that feeling out of the window. Now where was I. Yes the third is a gunner type, he takes inspiration from a certain lass in a certain game that is certainly entertaining and certainly certain that the curtain is blowing while I type this and getting back to him is that he has a cape. Well that was a word salad just now. Anyways, the first two had sleeved jackets or robes that slide down almost near their feet, but this guy wears a cape. He is very reminiscent of a certain scene on a film I talked about in the first place. Although he is sourced from that certain game character that wields two guns and is a bounty hunter and a character from a film that has a red cape.
Did I say that his guns does not fire bullets but little energy balls. The concept of his bullet is to gather energy and shoot it on one concentrated point. Am I making sense or is this typing going to end because I've lost count already. Anyways, you could say he's a natural born hunter.
The third (Daemon the Gunner) aimed his bullets at multiple targets appearing in sequence at the distance. The training room that has been used by the two characters beforehand is an imaginary space field generator. It's a small notebook that can generate an imaginary subspace in front of the holder when a page is turned. Although omnipotent as it is, it could only be used 3 times a day. It was used by the two characters earlier for their training, the test run of the third character firing at moving targets followed up after them. He did well, the damage inflicted can be seen as a water gun spreading when in contact with a target. I see that he is performing as per his ability. The simulation ended, the subspace disappeared and he went to the surface where I'm in.
Another individual steps into the fray but the usage for the imaginary space field generator has been used up. I signaled the remaining characters to stay put as the training room dissipates into nothingness, leaving the notebook to close on its own.