Can you make a webnovel on a facebook post?
The 0th story continues on.
Chapter 0.9 - A soul's story
It looks like their souls reject the merging process. It must be because of their story link. The three characters don't know how to react after the pentagram went unstable. Each of the characters has their own story, their connection with another character, gives way for a linked story to form between the two. However, a connection with a mythical creature can cause ripples on the character's story connection. Linked stories are what make characters have more existence and presence in a realm. Looking at their situation it should be a case where the connection with a greater being affecting the merging system.
The avian creature of fiery flames materialized in mid-air causing the environment we're in heated at an excruciating point. Good thing that the broken equality system is working fine and made adjustments on us to tolerate the flames caused by the avian creature. The flames died down and the creature landed. The three characters removed themselves from the pentagrams.
Since the avian creature wills for them to stay as they are. Their redesign would be for their clothing and hairstyles. The characters that can design their outfits started making conceptual design for the three. The avian creature is also set for redesign. No matter how much we put the redesigned clothes on the characters it burns down instantly before they make contact. I advised the avian creature to stop interfering with the redesign process, but the avian creature fixed its gaze beyond the door. I think I know where to get a redesign.
The door of this realm opens to a stream of rivers flow its ideas. We don't need to take the train of thought since the avian creature carries the three characters and me as well. With a sigh of relief, i noticed that all beings, drifting along and their powers become neutral when going outside the realm. The characters talked about their backstory during the trip, their stories one way or another, relating to the story of the avian creature. One individual has a story relating to an injury, another including a betrayal from an organization and a character that has troubles controlling its otherworldly wings. We drifted the river pathway. Setting the destination where works of aesthetics is being formed and sold.
The market brings out a lively atmosphere with all the clients interacting with the creators. The things displayed on the creator's merchandise are papers listing the cost of sketch, line art, colored and fully shaded with colors. Yes, this is a place where one can ask for a character custom or any art related piece to be requested by the client. They set a high price due to the number of hours and practice into drawing went into creating these works of art. It's a reasonable price but I'm here to purchase a redesign of three characters. If the avian creature's story connection interferes with their redesign, i should get another creator to redesign it.
I looked for a cheaper choice since I'm going to redesign their redesign. It should be sufficient to appease the story link with the avian creature. Rather the reason why the redesign burned beforehand could be because of the design seemingly looking like an outfit snatched from an anime. Their past design is as original since I sourced from real life materials. Maybe it could be the original outfit rejecting the redesign.
I put away my thoughts and brought attention to the redesign process being done by the creator. It's a quick line art and I informed the user beforehand that as long as it relates to the character's personality or subject, it's passable. Although, the outcome is undesirable but it's bearable, since it's going to be adjusted with the past design.
After receiving the clothes and handing out the payment of coins to the creator. Before we leave, I fixed my gaze on a machine architect designing a mecha from the tools and metal apparatus lying around the machine architect (creator), i might check back on the creator after some time. The characters jumped from the ground into the back of the phoenix, the individual with a story of betrayal (Cuoxe Galemare) picked up the individual with a story of injury (Adheart Lauchensbert) and jumped with the individual with otherworldly wings (Clara Lorrean) carrying me as they land on its feathers. The individual with an injury holds the purchased outfits. We drifted along the stream of ideas away from the marketplace of aesthetics. The door to the realm opens with an individual that holds a parasol, welcoming the presence of the characters into the realm.
We went inside taking in the air brought about by the trees in the forest. The characters that handle redesigning took the clothes and started their hands in modifying it with the past design. Merging the two designs and overlapping its pattern concepts. This time, the character's past outfit didn't reject the redesign. Their weapons didn't change and the characters went to their usual strolling around the realm. The avian creature redesigned itself after noticing the change in the appearance of its story related characters.
I haven't even reached the point where we have to explain weapons. But it will only be a matter of time until that part is explained and executed in writing.