
Holly pricked her head up in realisation of something, Toby looked at her, "What?"

She looked at the wall behind her, "The bank is being robbed"

"How do you know? I thought you couldn't confuse me anymore than you have" he half-heartedly laughed.

"I just do"

The apartment had a balcony so Holly ran to the door, went through and leaned over the edge. She spotted the bank just across the road. Like she had imagined, the bank was surrounded by RRTF. Toby Fox walked over and peered out as well, "Woh…"

Holly nodded her head in agreement then climbed onto the rail of the balcony.

"What are you doing?! You could fall!" Toby yelled.

"I'm fine, that's the point" she calmly replied looking back at him.

To his, once again, shock, she leapt off the rails and down two floors onto the alleyway below. A normal person would've broken a bone at least but she seemed unscathed by it. Once her balance was corrected, Holly rose her head to face the scene only a few roads away. Bravely, she crossed the car ridden roads and climbed, using just her feet and hands, up the wall of a neighboured building to the bank. Once on the roof, she parkoured to the back of the bank and crawled to the front, the RRTF spotted her, "Barnet kommer ner därifrån! (Child get down from there!)" one yelled. She stared down at them. Despite being fully English, she somehow understood what they were saying. She'd only learn a little French, Spanish and German but not enough to even understand anything. It was confusing to her how she could hear what they were saying in English even though they were Swedish.

Holly spoke back, "Nej jag mår bra (No, I'm fine)"

Surprisingly, she managed to automatically translate her English into Swedish, this was nearly a weird as the other way round. She didn't react physically, worried that the RRTF would think she was a danger.

"Det spelar ingen roll, gå ner och bakom oss (It doesn't matter, get down and behind us)"

Holly frowned and shook her head. As the RRTF began to argue and climb onto the roof, she had an awful idea. What if she went into the bank with the robbers and hostages and… tried to resolve the situation peacefully? This decision was decided when the armed guards came behind her prepared to grab her unexpectedly.

Turning around and seeing them charging towards her, she leapt off the building and rammed into the doors.

. . .

The room was dark, the lights had been turned off; on the left were desks for transactions to occur, to the right, were some hostages on the ground, some crying, all scared. Next to them, the true issue lay, three armoured men holding AK7s pointed at her, "Vem är du? Håll er undan! (Who are you? Stay back!)" the centre one yelled.

Holly sighed, "Jag är bara här för att hindra dig från att inkriminera dig själv ... kyla och lägga pistolerna ner. (I'm just here to prevent you from incriminating yourself ... chill and put the guns down)"

They looked more threateningly, "Du är inte från Sverige är du? (You're not from Sweden are you?)"

She shook her head then said, "Snälla lägg pistolerna och släpp gisslan ... Bill… (Please put the gun down and release the hostages... Bill…)"

He looked horrified, he'd never met this person in his life before and she knew his name. Holly had just managed to guess how to do that, she knew that Sans had the power of telepathy so he could read the player's mind and see how many people they'd killed in order to decide their punishment. She'd used it to find out private information about the people in front of her, "Det är rätt, jag vet också din nuvarande situationskompis, det är bra ... Du kan komma över det utan det hjälper jag dig (That's right, I also know your current situation mate, it's good ... You can get over it but I help you)"

He stared at her even more fear, one of his accomplices glared and fired at Holly again. She easily moved her body out the firing line and frowned before looking back at Bill, "Du har inga pengar och du kan inte berätta för din flickvän eller dotter om de blir oroliga. Om du ger dig nu, betalar jag för alla dina insatser och pengar du behöver för att fortsätta livet normalt (You have no money and you cannot tell your girlfriend or daughter in case they get worried. If you surrender yourself now, I will pay for all your bail and money you need to continue life normally)"

Bill stood for a while contemplating it before finally dropping his weapon and stepping to her, the other two remained, one was annoyed, "Bill, du förrädare, jag ger inte upp det här långt! (Bill, you traitor, I'm not giving up this far in!)"

He took his own gun and fired it at Bill, Holly quickly shoved him out the way, the bullet hit just below her shoulder. This caused the RRTF outside to start freaking out, to reassure them, Holly put her hand backward to the armed guards as a sign of being okay despite the wound, they seemed suspicious. Standing straight up again, she looked at the shooter, "Nej (No)"

He went to fire again she moved herself and Bill again, she frowned, her shoulder still bleeding,

"Måste jag berätta för alla här om dig och dina fruar Tom…? (Do I have to tell everyone here about you and your wives Tom…?)"

Even the hostages looked at him, half in disgust. Tom had his mouth opened and in an ashamed way, dropped his own gun. The other followed. Holly opened the door to outside the room, the RRTF armed their guns. Holly tried to comfort them, "Lugna ner, det är bra, de överger. Men jag betalar deras borgen och andra avgifter de har (Calm down, it's fine, they're surrendering. But I'm paying their bail and any other fees they have)"

They stepped forward and grabbed Bill, Tom and their accomplice. One came to take Holly saying, "Vi behöver dig också (We need you too)"

She backed away saying, "Uh nej... Jag kommer inte (Uh no… I'm not coming)"

He frowned, "Vi måste fråga dig, vad du gjorde var extremt riskabelt och olagligt (We need to question you, what you did was extremely risky and illegal)"

"Na, jag kommer inte, se dig när deras borgen måste betalas! (Na, I ain't coming, see you when their bail needs to be payed!)"