As Johnathan and I got to my Aunts house -with the help of Luna- I had noticed that Johnathan had fallen asleep. I smiled and climbed off of Luna's back quickly and quietly and made my way to the front door. I knocked three times and almost instantly, the door swung open to reveal my aunt, Linda Stone with a light -but long- scrape parallel to her jaw line.
She looked at me with sad eyes before pulling me into a tight hug.
"Thank goodness you are okay." She said and let out a relaxed sigh.
We heard Johnathan clear his throat behind us in an attempt to catch our attention and forcing my aunt to let me go. He then stepped forward and stretched out his hand to my aunt in greetings. "Hi, I'm Johnathan."
"I know who you are." She confessed and grabbed hold of his hand in a firm shake.
"Please come inside." She said as she turned and walked back into the house.
Johnathan walked in cautiously and looked around the dinning room. I went back and grabbed hold of Luna's reigns and lead her into the house and closed the doors.
"Are any of you going to tell me what those screams were?" She asked and I went to answer but Johnathan slapped the back of his hand into my chest and shook his head. I pushed his hand down and walked forward.
"It came from the vampires from the blood Cage clan." I said before Johnathan came up behind me, slapped me over the back of the head and turned me around to look at him.
"Are you clinically insane? If we tell humans about our world, the magic council will have our heads on a spear before we can say 'OOPS' !"
Linda suddenly went from dabbing her jawline with disinfectant to pinning Johnathan to a wall.
"One, do not under any circumstances, hit my nephew and two, I know every single magic council member by name puppy-boy. Now calm down before you turn or else you'll be the one sweeping up the wolf fur."
Johnathan looked very confused as Linda released her grip on his clothing.
"How does a mere mortal know about the council of Mages?" He demanded to know.
"Because I'm no mere mortal." She answered and started walking away.
"Come we have alot to walk about." She walked out of her room with a key in hand and I knew exactly what lock that specific key belonged to. We followed her to the entrance of the weapons room as she unlocked the door. The room had few windows and still made my hairs stand on end.
Linda closed the door behind us and clapped her hands together twice and suddenly a metal conference table appeared out of thin air along with 3 chairs that were made from the same metal material. Johnathan and I walked towards two chairs that sat on one side of the table and we both took a seat. My aunt sat on a chair on the opposite side of the table and rested her arms on the table and interlinked her arms.
"Before we start, may I just ask, how did you know I was a werewolf?" Johnathan asked Linda as he sat on the end of his seat.
"It's my job to know." She replied. "Your name is Johnathan Baxton, age 15. You a member of the Bain pack that is now currently run by Jasmin Bain."
"Actually, Colton is now up to inherit the leadership position." Johnathan corrected.
"But he is not of age yet." Linda stated in confusion.
"It doesn't matter what age he is, with Jasmin gone and his dad out of the picture, he is to inherit the role as Alpha."
"Jasmine? Gone?" Linda leaned back in her chair and looked as if she were in shock, "What killed her?"
"Gerundival." I replied.
"If she is dead, then Johnathan is right. You inherit the position as Alpha." Linda stated in agreement.
"But I never wanted to lead as Alpha in the first place. Isn't there any other way?" I asked in hope's that there could be another way.
"Well there is one way..." Linda started.
"Well, what is it?" I asked.
"...You can appoint someone as Alpha, but then you cant get it back, unless you fight to the death."
"I can deal with that."
"Tell me do you know all of this?" Johnathan asked once more.
Linda turned to him, " Its my job, for the second time."
"What job do you do for a living?" Johnathan asked.
"Have you ever read a fairytale and wished that the magical creatures and characters could be real? what would you do if I told you that they are? Most fictional creatures are real and alot more visious than they are in you childhood novels. Instead they turn out to be more visious and unstable and would do anything to become rulers of man kind or rulers of reality itself which always turns out to be a bad idea as it forced the council of Mages to get involved and they dont care about wrecking things, and so they appointed us, handpicked individuals that descend from seven different families, the protectors of reality to protect the mortals from any unnatural and inhuman harm."
"But where do the monsters come from?"
"There is a gateway somewhere in the clouds that works as a pathway between our dimension and dimension zero, where the monsters spawn from. There is more than one Gateway on top of it but the main Gateway is here somewhere in Scottland."
"So you job is to protect the world?" Johnathan asked with a smile.
"Yes." Linda replied. Johnathan turned to me with a big toothy grin and said, "Your aunt is awesome, bro."
"I know." I replied
"Come on boys, let's go and talk a little more before dinner." She said as Johnathan got up and walked out of the room with my aunt in the lead. I locked up behind us as I followed them out.
"She is pretty cool." I smirked and tossed the keys up into the air, successfully catching them as I follow my aunt and best friend down the stairs.