

After inspecting the creep it showed new information then before it could now consume zerglings and other races change its form into anything such as spikes. Design a new zerg.

'I think I found a body'

Lifting the creep and trying to make a shape with it.

'does the creep also have a level.

{level 1}

Control: 1

Power: 1

Stored total: 0

Stored drones: 0

Stored zerglings: 0

Stored queens: 0

Shocking at the discovery of this new power I desided to try the skill consume on the frightened terran.

' I was going to get some information about the terrans home but It will be fine'

Activiting the skill infest the creep started swarming around the terran and it looked like the creep was seeping into the terrans armour and started to turn black the armour started to crack.

After a short while the soldiers armour was grey with a black void for a visor.

The creep on the ground started to be asorbed into the terrans.

{creep vessel obtained}

'this is new' looking at it I came to the conclusion this was a creep version of a terran.

Possessing the creep terran my vision went to ground level and could now see out of the terran's eyes.

Checking to see if there where any new things a terran would bring but it showed up as I was still the creep only in a new form.

'this is interesting'

Inspecting the creep once again to make sure new information popped up.

Level 2

Power: 5

Control: 5

'so every level I get 5 points in each stat.'

"if I am not inturupting lord I have found the source of the minerals and need your help to get them out." the drone commander said walking up the the vessel I was in.

"that is?"

"it is underground and with the creep control you have we should be able to easily dig there."

Pondering on the question I lifted the creep up and formed a drill. It was much easier to control the creep now.

Digging into the ground it was estimated that it would take 5 hours to get to the source of the minerals.

In the mean time anouther terran base was spotted and the zerglings had started attacking.

"zergling commander why did you not informed me of anouther terran base"

"I didn't because it was a very small amount of terrans in it and you where busy with this"

Giving up on the drone commander I went to see the zerglings attack but it was to late there was only blood left.