
It has been roughly a week since I last went to school. I looked down on heats. I apologise to all the omegas in the stories I've read.

I sighed and got out of the car, heading towards the school gates when I noticed a familiar figure in the distance.

Golden blonde hair and deep brown eyes, the protagonist. ..... Yep, I'm just going to pretend I didn't see him.

The world does not favour the bold. Especially not after what happened with Cain at my house. Ugh, I better not ruffle anymore feathers.

... .... ...

"What do you think you're doing?!" I grabbed one of the boys who were beating Aaron only for them to quickly release him, pushing me down and running away.

Why those--

"Rebena... you're... back..." Aaron said with pitiful eyes.

Why did the way he say it make me feel uncomfortable? Something like Rebena Black is Back... is this a commercial?! Wait, that's not the point.

"Uh... I guess. You should take care of yourself." I stood up, brushing the dirt off my pants as I helped Aaron up.

"You too... but... thank you."

Wow... what a killer aura. What is this dazzling light?

"T-take care. I need to be off." I let his hand go and turned to leave, however he quickly held onto my arm, locking me in place.

"Rebena... You're actually..."

"Oh? What a lucky coincidence."

I know that voice...

"You're here early." Cain smirked as he casually slung his arm around my shoulder.

"... It's school. I have to."

"That so? Hmm? Who is this?"

"... I'm Aaron."

"Hmm? Kay. Well, go take care of yourself. I need to catch up with this guy." Cain laughed as he dragged me away.

I have no idea which is worse. Being involved with the protagonist or the male lead. Either way, I better get out of this predicament.

Also... why did he react like that? I thought by now he would be interested with the protagonist. I did ruin their first encounter by making the protagonist miss the school opening but...

He seemed so cold to him earlier. Weren't they already sort of in a relationship by now?


"What do you want?" I slap off Cain's arm and took a few steps away from him while he merely chuckled and folded his arms.

"Do I need to 'want' anything to hang out with you?"

"... We aren't friends. So what is your motive?"

"Should there be a motive?"

.... This bastard! Is he playing with me?!

"I have to leave. I need to meet the teacher for some..."

Cain held my arm back as I had moved to walk past him earlier. I narrowed my eyes and glared at him before he dragged me and slammed me against the wall.

"What the fu-?!"

"Did you think I didn't know?"

"Huh? Know what?" I steadied my voice despite the thumping in my chest.

Cain grinned smugly as he leaned closer towards me. His breath tickled my ear and there was a slight pressure around him.

I've thought this from the first time we met but... he has a particular scent... Is this the alpha pheromone that is mentioned in the story?


Just as he was about to say something, the school bell toiled. If it was by the grace of God or the author's will, I couldn't care less. I just needed an excuse to leave.

"That's the bell. I really needed to see the teacher earlier. Buzz off." I pushed Cain away as he had still been shocked by the bell, rushing away quickly as I tried to blame my racing heart on the fatigue of running.


Haaahh... I'm so tired. What the heck. I had to deal with those two right from the get go. I seriously need to stop getting involved with them.

That psycho already seems to have something on me. I better avoid him at all cost! However!

"You met the teacher already? That was quick. It took me roughly the same amount of time to get here though." Cain smiled as he dragged the seat beside me and sat down.

Why of all things would the author place us as seatmates?! Aren't we rivals?!

"I uh... didn't want to be late for my first day of school."

"Hmm. I can show you around later."

"I-it's okay. I'll ask the class president."

"... How cute."

"W-what is?"

"I'm the class president."

Huh?! But why?! I would think someone in glasses would be the class president (biased)!

"Do I not seem like the type? It's fine. It's just a role. No one really bothers anyways." Cain hummed in respond to my shocking revelation.

Could the day get any worse?


"And this... is the roof." Cain smiled as he opened the door to the rooftop.

I've only seen them in mangas but wow. It's amazing. This is the place where all romance blooms.

"We aren't really allowed here but... what can't money do?" Cain smiled as he shut the door behind him.

"Did you say something?" I turned around to look at him as I had not really been paying attention.

"This area... It's restricted only to others except for us."

"Eh... But..."

"Darien. Did you know?"

"... Know what?"

"You're emmiting a sweet scent even now."

"H-huh? You... you jest..."

My hands are trembling. Maybe it is a bad idea for him to find out I'm an omega. I better leave here...

"It's faint now but... that day. It was quite clear." Cain took a step closer as my eyes widened.

Shit, it really was a bad idea coming here with him!

"You're cornered like a rat. It suits you."

"T-the fuck are you talking about? I think you have a few screws loos--"

"You don't need to worry about me. What do you think happens if your family finds out they have an omega in their midst?" Cain presses me against the fence placed around the rooftop, pinning me in place as I faced him with terrified eyes.

What does he mean? But... my parents... no... Darien's parents can't be that cold to their ch--?! My head!

A piercing sensation struck through my head as I fell forward, leaning against Cain as my memory surged. Memories from when he was a child until today swirled in my head as his life flashed before me.

Omega... Why am I an omega?! I... Didn't I suffer enough?! Being an omega! I... I'd rather die!

"Gasp!" my eyes flew open as I recalled the scene where Darien had rushed out of his house in anger.

Seems to tally with the moment I took over his body but...

"Awake already, sleeping beauty?" Cain grinned as my vision was filled with his conniving grin.

"G-get off!" I pushed him away, only for him to hold onto my wrists.

"You're the one who is lying on my lap."


"I stayed here looking after you after you collapsed. Aren't I sweet?" Cain smiled as he slowly interlaced our fingers.

"W-what are you doing?"

"I've taken an interest in you. Why don't you be my omega?"


"H-huh?! A-are you kidding me? F-fuck off!" I struggled to pull my fingers out of his grasp but he smiled and pulled me up towards him, making my face bump into his chest.

"If you nab a dominant alpha, your parents can't complain. What more if it is from a family they want to strengthen their ties in." Cain grinned as if he had everything figured out.

"W-who'd want to be with a psycho like you?! Let go!"

".... Psycho? Me?"

"... J-just let me go..."

"Answer the question."

Ugh! This... this... what is this scent? It's so strong!

"B-bastard... what did you d--"