Selecting A Home

"Yes, thank you for your time." I lowered my head slightly as I smiled and bid the manager goodbye before exiting the shop.

Orion turns in my direction and immediately pushes himself off the wall as he approaches me. I met his gaze and smiled slightly before he raised an eyebrow and stopped just in front of me.

"So? How'd it go?" He asks, not pulling any punches as I rubbed the back of my nape and brushed my fingers against the protective choker.

I shook my head, a telling action as Orion pursed his lips and gave me a curt nod. He linked our fingers and lifted my hand to his lips before kissing my knuckles.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I blushed, immediately panicking as he grins and pats my head.

"There's no need to be down, I don't even get why you need a part time job. Aren't you a rich heir?" He smirks as he lowers our linked hands.

"This and that are different things." I frowned, averting his gaze as I sighed.