On The Same Page

The next day, I arrived back at school still feeling rather elated from the time spent together with Cain. He had been showering me with plenty of kisses and affection, saying he was doing so to make up for the lost time during which we had been forced apart. Hence the giddy feeling in my chest and the constant grin tugging on my lips.

"Hey, you made it in whole." Sylvain waves, pausing in his step as he searched my body with his eyes before taking a sharp breath. "Did anything happen with Cain after I left?" He asks, slinging his arm across my shoulders as he tugged me towards him and whispers into my ear.

"H-happen—?! Ah... With Cain...?" I gasped, my voice a little shrill, bordering more so towards a shriek as Sylvain met my gaze with a taut pull on his lips.