Insensible Fight

"So you're telling me that you're actually a 25 year old man from a world where there aren't such things as heats or ruts and actually work an 8 to 5 job with mediocre pay while living in a 1LDK?" Sylvain scribbled on a notebook he produced from somewhere on his body as I gulped hesitantly from my rigid posture in front of him, nodding my head along to his question.

"I-It's true..." I swallowed hard, my voice tremulous as I tried to ignore how even my hands were trembling.

"Wow..." Sylvain sighs as he pushes his red locks back, falling onto his rear in intrigue as he strikes a thinking pose and ponders the thought.

"What's wrong... You don't... believe me?" I croaked, a slight quiver in my voice as he glanced briefly at me before diverting his attention back to his notebook.