Act (1)

And take care of it he did… —n't. I stared at the handsome young man beside me who was trying to draw the attention of the other group members. They did spare him a brief glance, however, they simply shrugged off his eager expression before turning back to their respective distractions.

Their actions resulted into him seeming more like the main character in a jurr*s*c park world movie trying to hold their attention for a brief moment in time. I gave him a few more minutes to try again as I judged how likely he could pull them off their distractions before I had to step in to take action.

"Okay, I assume you wanted to perform alone, given how each one of you rejected the offer to join a group. What was the reason or role you wanted to play?" I tapped my notebook, pointing at the word 'roles' and the bullet points listing the rough generalisation of what the selected character should be representing.