Sleeping Beneath One Roof

"Good morning," I hear a greeting as I yawned and made my way to the dining table.

"Mm..." I hummed a sleepy reply as I slumped in my seat, still drowsy with sleep as I felt a light pressure on my forehead.

"Why don't you refresh yourself, first? You look like you could doze off at any moment." A light chuckle, followed up with a large hand ruffling through my bed hair— made my eyes snap open as I felt atop my head at the bird's nest said light tousling has made.

A sharp gasp escaped my lips before I turned to grumble about it to the perpetrator when my shoulders were squeezed lightly from behind. In front of me, I was greeted by silvery white strands of silky hair and an attractive mug complete with a warm smile.

"You're so cute today~" The young man in front of me simpered as he cupped my cheek in his large hand while his grin only grew goofier with affection.