Rousing, Challenging And At The End... Nothing

As I exited the bathroom, I spotted the other mug of hot chocolate that Cain had set down initially to drink. However as I was still rather damp despite already removing most of my article of clothing that had gotten soaked and was down to just my underwear, I decided to simply finish it before taking a bath since it would be cold by the time I was done.

Just as I was downing the last of the drink, I spotted the other mug that Cain had been holding for ransom for a kiss below the sofa. I then sighed at the memory of how the contents spilled over when Orion had tripped over it and searched for a cloth or paper towel to put atop the mess it in an attempt to remove most of the liquid from the floor. I then cleaned up the mess on the floor and left the mugs to soak in the sink.