
Chapter 5.3: SHINE ON!

"Shit," Santos mumbled.

  Screams of terror came from everyone as they scrambled for the exit. David cried out, unable to move, stuck on the floor as everyone else escaped.

"You imbecile," Levi roared. "We're going to all die with them!"

Not me, Candice and Santos thought in unison.

  Fenton strained as he stared at the crack in the glass window. He focused and slowly it stopped spreading. He ran towards it, and cried as he felt like his head was splitting open. His purple aura spilled forth and spread all over the window, protecting them all from being sucked out into space.

  His eyes twitched and blood poured out of his ears as he knew that the temporary pain was worth it to have a small chance to breath another day.

  "Don't lose," Fenton mumbled. He sat down on the ground, gasping and wheezing, trying to focus on the window and nothing else. Clarence stumbled upwards, his mossy brown hair dishevled, his entire body aching from being smaked like a volleyball. He leered down at Fenton and got out his gun.

  "Shoot me and we all die," Fenton rasped. Clarence noticed the new makeshift window Fenton made and lowered his gun.

"I'll kill you last," he promised. "You breathe another day Oriental."

Fenton laughed at Clarence as he strolled off, pretending he had won.

  At this point all of the passengers had escaped, and the only people left were the kidnappers and their dead corpses, walking among them. Candice leaped off the stage and went straight for one of the corpses. She stuck her hand right into it's back and pulled out it's bones, as if she were deboning a chicken.

Everyone stopped to watch. "Demons walk among us," Billy whispered. "I can see her."

  "Billy, shut the fuck up," Clarence hissed.

"No," Billy shook his head. "At first she was a woman, but now… that is a monster."

  Billy could see her true form. He had no ability, but his faith is what gave him true sight. Rikka heard his words and stared at Candice in horro as her arm was envolped in blood and bones.

  The bones from the corpses skeleton wrapped around her arm, heavy and making her lean to the side. She made an impromptu war hammer from its remains. Her own bones and skin fused with it, and she sneered in delight, getting to kill someone else in plain view and not have to pretend she was sad about it.

"You're next," she grinned.

Clarence scoffed. He simply pushed out his hand into a fist, and she went flying into the air.

Candice landed with a loud crack, bones went flying, and she laid on the floor, still and quiet.

  Ace ran up to her and saw her body lying in a strange position.

"Candice," he whispered. "Wake up."

  She didn't blink. She didn't move. Her neck was bent weirdly, and her head was bleeding. A puddle of blood formed around her head as Ace cried. He held her hand and cried quietly.

I shouldn't have fought with her, he thought. If I was as strong as she thought I was she would be okay.

  Rikka's eyes flashed and she inspected Candice. She quickly looked away.

That is not a person, she shuddered. She pushed Levi away and threw up on the ground. What she, Billy, and Fenton saw was Ace holding a disfigured creature, and crying over it's death.

At least we won't have to worry about her anymore, Levi thought.

He rubbed Rikka's back as she continued to retch on the ground, crying and shaking. "Levi thats not a person," she screamed. "What is going on!? What happening!?"

"I don't know Rikka. I'm sorry."

  As the people made a rush for the exits, kidnappers and their victims began to fight each other. Bullets whizzed by as Ace was more preoccupied with saving the life of his abuser than saving his own. Everything around him sounded silent when people screamed and sobbed, trying to escape.

  Ace checked her chest, but there was no heartbeat. Her body was cold and he cried even harder, blaming himself for her death.

"Don't cry," Invictus mumbled. "Let me help you."

"You can't do anything," Ace screamed. "You're just a fucking bracelet!"

His teammates were confused, as he screamed to what seemed to be only himself.

"He's overcome with grief," Ryle whispered. "Either that or he finally lost it," Kyle mumbled.

  "Please let me help," Invictus pleaded. "My power is stronger when there is someone else to protect."

Ace mumbled through his tears. "You can help?" "

Yes," Invictus whispered from his bracelet. "Let me."

"I'll do anything right now so no one else dies."

  All of Team 57 made their way for the kidnappers. With all of the passengers gone and the remaining dead or sentient corpses, they now had nothing to worry about to get rid of the rest of them.

Amy picked up a bottle of champagne and smacked it against a table. The end shattered and she held it up, wild eyed and ready to take on anyone. John opened his satchel, and took out a rose. It winded and wrapped, it grew and took shape. John had a sword, made of thorns, and the spikes shot out, piercing anyone who dared to get close.

  One by one they circled the kidnappers, eyes glowing and furious.

"Pick a god and pray," Santos spat. "None will answer anyway!"

  The kidnappers all ran for Clarence, which shocked everyone. "Don't worry," Clarence sneered. "Daddy will take care of you." He pushed out his hands, and all of his enemies were pushed back, and rolled onto the floor.

"Can't fight if you can't get close," Clarence snickered.

The kidnappers all pointed their guns at them and Rikka shrieked.

I need to end this, Levi thought. I'll just transform and I can deal with the questions later.

  A bright light shone, and they all turned to the source of it. Ace shuddered as his entire body lit up in light. It glowed and got brighter. Clarence glared at Billy as he prayed to himself, asking forgiveness.

   Fenton smiled, for some reason the warm light feeling calming and familiar.

That's the prettiest aura I've ever seen, he thought. Prettier than Santos'.

  All the color in the room came off all the objects, lights, clothes, people's hair and skin. Everyone looked around in confusion except Levi, Harmonia, and Rikka. They had seen it all before. Amy noticed that Harmonia wasn't panicking, and suddenly Harmonia tried her hardest to look surprised.

    "Since when could he do this," Levi whispered.

  Rikka laughed nervously. "I showed him how. You're welcome."

  The world was now grey and monotone, and Ace shined even brighter. Clarence was too preoccupied with the light show to realize that some of his men had run away. He turned to say something to Billy but no sound came out. In fact no sound could be heard.

Everything disappeared around him and went dark.

  Clarence shuddered, surronded in a dark void, afraid that the light had killed them all. That he was in hell truly paying for his sins, and that he would never get the Slater's heirloom.

  Was Billy right, he wondered. Am I in trouble?

  All the color burst forth from Ace's body and everyone screamed. It was in surprise and pain. The sudden burst of color hurt their eyes, and with every push of the colors in the world returning to their body it burned like the sun.

Invictus stood, in his suit of armor, his shining cape flowing iridescent.