Giovanni is dragging the teacher inside the colosseum with Queen Stevia and Aisha following her from behind. King Fraser and my father are only following them from behind because they both don't want to interfere with Giovanni. Giovanni doesn't even care if the teacher is choking from his own shirt because she's pulling the back of his collar and it suffocating him. Queen Stevia warns her that it might kill him, but Giovanni ignores her and keeps dragging the teacher that is trying to free himself.
The chivalric knights that are guarding the door behind them look at Giovanni who's approaching them. Giovanni is pointing her finger at the door.
"Open the door!"
They both are startled when Giovanni shouts at them. They immediately open the door and let Giovanni, Queen Stevia, Aisha, King Fraser, and my father with the knights behind them into the room. They both are so confused and scared when they see the teacher gets dragged by Giovanni.