Chapter 13

(A/N Notes: This story is also getting a double release!)


It was another early morning, and as usual, Sakurako was sitting on her bed with the face of someone who hasn't fully woken up yet, so just like yesterday her maid Aki had to help her on waking up and remind her to change her boxers for panties. Not long after, Sakurako had finished changing from her pajamas to her school uniform with the same set of extra clothes as well, then Aki did her hair as usual, with all that done Sakurako was about to leave her room when she suddenly remembered about it


Sakurako turned and looked at the ring box on her nightstand, she then walked towards it. Sakurako picked up the ring and put it on her left ring finger, then she kept staring at the ring absentmindedly, while Aki was making a happy grin as she observed Sakurako

"Shouldn't you be going to have breakfast, ojou-sama?"

"... Yes"

And with a sleepy voice, Sakurako responded to Aki's words as she tiredly made her way to the dining room

"Good morning, Sacchan!"

"Nn... Good morning, mom"

In there, she was greeted only by her mother, since her father had to leave earlier for a meeting. Sakurako then sat down in her usual spot and the servants there swiftly began serving breakfast to her

Since it wasn't her birthday, she was served the same food as her mother, and today it was a traditional Japanese breakfast, and being the big eater that she was, Sakurako gleefully ate the meal in front of her as she had her usual morning black coffee

"I see that you're wearing the ring that Ichiro-kun gave you"

"Ah... Yeah, I am"

"How nice, that makes me remember when Hansuke asked me in marriage... Ah! That's right! I forgot to ask why he chose that ring for you!"

"About that... Ichiro-san said that the golden ring resembles my hair color and that the amethyst looks just like my eyes... and he said it with a calm face"


When Sakurako repeated Ichiro's reasoning for picking that ring, she began blushing a little, while her mother on the other hand was blushing intensely

"I-I can see that Ichiro-kun has... Quite a way with his words"

Emma could only say that about Ichiro, as she was quite impressed any Ichiro managed to say quite an embarrassing line with a calm face

Eventually, the two finished their breakfast, and a short time later Sakurako was taken to school while her mother saw her off with a smile on her face


After some time, Sakurako arrived at the main entrance of her school, and just like the other days, her presence caught the attention of everyone there. After arriving at the shoe lockers, she changed into her indoor shoes, and then made her way to the student council room

After a short walk of a few minutes, she was in front of the stucco room, and she opened the door... And in there she saw a bunch of papers scattered around the room, with Himari and three more members they all appeared to be on their death's door


Sakurako simply looked at the scene in silence and with her usual blank face, then she noticed Himari almost fully covered by papers trying to extend one of her hands towards Sakurako

"S-Sacchan... Help..."

"... *Sigh*"

With a sigh, Sakurako put her bag down and began picking up the scattered papers, her work was swift and in just a few minutes she had managed to neatly organize all of the papers, saving Himari and the other three stucco members from drowning in the papers. Then Sakurako sat down on the desk assigned to the vice president and she began to deal with most of the paperwork at a very fast pace which surprised everyone, including Himari

" " " "Ah!" " " "

The four then noticed that they should also start working on their own paperwork, so they began to hurriedly work on their papers, but their pace was way below Sakurako's breakneck speed, after some minutes Sakurako lifted her face and looked directly at the secretary



"Take these papers to the teacher's room"

"O-Of course!"

The secretary got up and left the stucco room as she carried the big stack of papers to the teachers. Sakurako then went on to start dealing with her second stack of papers, while the others had only finished a third of their stacks, which were way smaller compared to the stacks Sakurako was dealing with. Then after some more minutes, the secretary came back, as she breathed roughly as if she had run quite a lot, but...



"Put these papers on their respective club doors"


The secretary was handed an even bigger stack of papers as she was out of the stucco room once again, and Sakurako went on to start dealing with her third stack of papers, then after tens of minutes later the secretary came back yet again, this time she looked even more exhausted


"Haa... Give me a minute... Haaa... Haa... Whew... Haaaaaaaaa... *Deeply breaths in* Okay, I'm fine now, please continue, vice president"

"We have about five minutes before the lessons start so everyone is dismissed"

"You could just have told me that!"

"... But you asked me to wait"

"I'm sorry for thinking you were going to make me go on a third errand!"

With that over, everyone left the stucco room and began making their way to their respective classrooms, but just as Sakurako was about to leave, Himari stopped her


"Hm? What is it, Himari-chan?"


Himari then went to the floor and did a dogeza in front of Sakurako

"Thank you for saving us right now!"

"... Okay, but I need to get going right now"

"Yeah, me too"

And with that the two cousins went to their respective classrooms, Sakurako arrived at her classroom just on time and got in her seat right before the teacher walked inside to start the lessons


Some time later



Sakurako was standing silently on the outdoor sports field as she wore her gym uniform, which Aki had put in her bag in the morning. To be more precise, Sakurako was currently wearing a pair of small sports shorts, her black sweater under her gym shirt with her gym sweater above it, and she was still unwilling to let go of her scarf that was still wrapped around her arms like usual

But even then, many of the boys were still gazing at her slim figure, which was still noticeable even with her black sweater, though differently from her classmates who were pretty motivated to have PE instead of regular classes...

Sakurako had a depressed blank face since she hated doing any kind of demanding physical activity that required her to go outside or move her body extensively, or just do any type of body exercise really