Chapter 20


Sakurako was silent and with her eyes closed as she dexterously moved her left hand that was holding the guitar pick, the melody she was playing with her guitar was a slow and rather calming one, but it also had an air of coolness to it. Sakurako played that tune for a few minutes until she slowly started to make the song slower and lower until it came to an end


Sakurako stopped her left hand from moving, but her right hand moved as she changed the position of her hand and fingers on the chords. Then she once again began moving her left hand, she started slow but then the song's pace began to increase, joining with the moment she entered her zone. The melody's tone was now fast and exciting, as it gave off a clearly cool vibe


Sakurako moved her body alongside the song, showing that she was deep into her own little world as she played the guitar. She played this part of the song for a slightly longer time than the previous part, then once again she increased her pace and pitch, then she passed the pick through all of the chords and left the chords vibrating until they stopped, bringing an abrupt but cool end to her song

"… *Nods* I'm still good at this"

Talking and nodding to herself, Sakurako began to properly put away her guitar, and the rest of the equipment she had used back in their previous spots. As she did so, the door to the studio was opened, and a woman wearing a maid uniform walked inside

"Ojou-sama, your parents will be arriving shortly. Why don't you go greet them?"

"I will, just let me organize everything here first, Aki"

"Don't worry, I'll organize it for you. So just go make your parents happy"

"*Nods* Mm, if you say so. Thank you for the help, Aki"

"Don't worry, I'm just doing my job, Ojou-sama"

And with that, Sakurako left her studio as she put on a knitted red cape, and went to the mansion's entrance, while Aki stayed behind as she began to neatly organize everything, since aside from her guitar and violin, Sakurako was pretty sloppy in organizing her stuff

"Good grief… What would Ojou-sama do without me?"

Aki had a small smile on her face as she said that while she wrapped a cable




Sakurako arrived at the entrance to her home and waited for a few seconds until the door opened, and both of her parents walked inside. And with that, she greeted them

"Okaeri, otou-san, okaa-san"

" "…" "

Sakurako showed them a small smile as she closed her eyes, which when combined with her hair that was tied in a low ponytail, her cute face, and her clothes, that was a long white skirt and a simple light brown sweater with a knitted red plaid cape. All of which made her look overly cute, especially to her parents, who could only stay silent as they witnessed that

" "… … … Sacchan!!! We're back!" "

Then both Hansuke and Emma lunged and hugged Sakurako, as they cried in happiness from having their cute daughter greet them back from work

"Ah! That's right, we brought a little something for you"

"You did?"

"Yes, though… It's actually a present from Ichiro-kun that he asked us to give to you"

"I see"

Then one of the butlers brought to them the paper cup and cookie bag meant for Sakurako. They let go of her to pick it up and then handed it to Sakurako, who picked it up as she had her usual blank face, as she held the paper cup, she could smell the scent of coffee coming from it, so she began taking sips of the coffee without any hesitation


After taking sips of Ichiro's handmade coffee, Sakurako made a delighted expression. Which made her parents and the servants who saw her make such a face, feel a painful throb in their chests

"Otou-san, Okaa-san, if you two need me, I'll be in the dining room"

After saying that, Sakurako went to the dining room so that she could also have the cookies. In there, she sat down on the chair that she usually sat on to have breakfast and dinner, then she opened the cookies bag as she took another sip from the coffee

Sakurako picked one of the cookies and looked at it, trying to guess what was the flavor, as she noticed that the cookies were in the bigger size

"Hmm… Is it a dark chocolate cookie?… So it probably won't be that sweet"

Sakurako wasn't too fond of sweets or desserts, she didn't mind eating them every once in a while. But if one compared the amount of sweets she might eat per day, compared to any other food, especially spicy food, it became very clear that sweet food wasn't to her taste, especially when it was one of those that had a very sugary taste

"… Well, since Ichiro-san troubled himself to make these for me. I suppose I should eat them at the very least"

Even though she thought it wouldn't that sweet, Sakurako was hesitating a little bit, but seeing that the cookies were handmade, she decided to take a big bite from the one she was holding

"Ahn *Takes a bite from the cookie* *Munch munch*… ?!"

Sakurako was caught off-guard when she put the cookie inside her mouth and tasted its coffee flavor. Not very sweet, and with a nice hint of the coffee's bitterness, which made it just perfect for her coffee-addict tastebuds

She gulped down the cookie in her mouth and began to eat the rest of the cookie in her hands with small bites, making her resemble a hamster as she ate it, something that she would usually do to any food she really liked to eat

" "…" "

As for her parents, they were laying on the floor with their faces down, and a puddle of blood was forming around their heads. When they saw, Sakurako eating the cookie like a hamster, they took a critical hit to their hearts, making them pass out as they also had a nosebleed. The servants were almost the same, but they managed to keep themselves awake and from having a nosebleed

And they all praised Ichiro in their minds for letting them see Sakurako acting like that