Chapter 26

"Oh! So Mochizuki-san is still bedridden due to the outing you girls did last time?"

"Yes, I and Himari-chan visited her yesterday, and there she asked me to bring a dessert from here next time"

"I see"

Sakurako and Ichiro were having a pretty normal conversation as they faced each other while they sat on opposite sides of the table, Sakurako drinking her usual big mug of coffee, while Ichiro had a tea cup with him, and snacks for each of them made by Ichiro himself, though the lion's share was given to Sakurako

As for why Ichiro wasn't doing his usual job of serving other customers, that was simply because they were the only ones at the cafe at that moment

"So, Ichiro-san. What dessert do you recommend for me to bring to her?"

"Hmm… Let's see, Mochizuki-san has a weak body, so she may not be able to endure desserts that have too much sugar… We should probably also avoid anything with too many additives… Hmmm…"

Ichiro made a thinking face, while Sakurako took a sip from her coffee, which was, as usual, handmade by Ichiro, and ate another snack with it

"… … … At was hour you're going to visit her, Sakurako-san?"

"Around five"

"I see, do you mind if I come with you on your visit?"

"? I don't mind it, why do you ask?"

"Because I'm going to bake a cake to bring to Mochizuki-san so that all of us can either it together there"

"Is that so? But what cake are you going to make?"

"About that, I recently found a recipe for a coffee chocolate cake that I want to try"

"You can make a coffee cake?!"

"Yes! Well, I think I'll start making the cake, do you mind waiting for it here, while I make it?"

"I do not mind, I have nothing planned aside from visiting Kohaku"

"That's good, if there's any leftover from the bake, I'll make it into cupcakes for you to eat"

Hearing that, made Sakurako perk up as her eyes shone. That sight made Ichiro smile in a very honest manner, as he found his fiancée to be really cute with her expecting eyes, and shortly after he disappeared from view as he went to the kitchen

Once inside the kitchen, Ichiro prepared more than enough ingredients to make a double-layer cake and a half dozen cupcakes, which were meant solely for Sakurako

Ichiro hadn't lied that this was his first time making a coffee cake, but he did have quite a lot of experience in baking other cakes, so he was pretty quick on preparing and mixing everything, and then putting the cakes and cupcakes in the oven

While he had to wait, he left the kitchen to spend his free time with Sakurako

"Ah, Ichiro-san"

"You want another serving of coffee, right Sakurako-san?"


"Got it, I'll start preparing another serving right now"

"Thanks, Ichiro-san"

"It's my pleasure, Sakurako-san"

It had just been around two weeks since they both got engaged to each other, but if outsiders saw them right now, they would easily think that the two were either engaged for years or that they were already married


A few hours later


"And it's done!"


Ichiro showed to Sakurako the finished cake, and to her surprise, it looked very well made and decorated, and most important of all Sakurako was almost drooling from smelling its scent, which for someone who had a certain distaste for sweets, was a feat in itself

"Ah! *Puts a hand in front of Sakurako* Sorry, Sakurako-san. But you can't eat it yet, so make do with this cupcake"

Ichiro then revealed an equally well-prepared cupcake to Sakurako, which she picked it up and took a bite out of it, and right after doing so she made a delighted expression that stayed on her face as she ate the rest of the cupcake, while Ichiro watched her doing so with a happy smile


Since there was still some time until the agreed hour for visiting Kohaku, Ichiro, and Sakurako kept on talking about meaningless stuff


Around 5:15 PM


"Hoh… Her home sure is big"

"You think so? I think Kohaku's home is pretty normal"

"That's for you, Sakurako-san. My house is practically nothing compared to this"

"Hmm… I guess that may be true… Are you perhaps afraid, Ichiro-san?"

"Not really, I'm just impressed that a real-life mansion looks way bigger in person than when they appear in movies or series"

"I see"

Ichiro and Sakurako were talking as the Kogane family car moved through the Mochizuki estate towards a big mansion, just that part of the trip alone took a few minutes to arrive even by car. Then after reaching its destination, the car came to a stop, and servants of the Mochizuki family went to open the car's doors and receive Sakurako and Ichiro

Sakurako who was used to that, simply walked towards the luxurious front door, while Ichiro… Simply followed after her with an unbreakable smile on his face and not really caring about the fact that he was currently stepping on an estate that belonged to one of the wealthiest families in his nation

Shortly after, a servant opened the front door

"Welcome again, Sakurako ojou-sama"

"*Nods* I came to visit Kohaku again. Ah! And today I also brought my fiancé, Ichiro-san with me"

"Oh! So, he is your rumored new fiancé? But I have to say…"

The maid looked at Ichiro, who was carrying the box with the cake inside, and he just smiled back at the maid

"… He is quite good, that boy… In any case, please come in and enjoy your time with Kohaku-sama"

"Thanks, oh, and we also brought a cake for Kohaku"

"That is very nice of you two"

The maid was unable to read Ichiro's face and see what he was thinking, which impressed her. But she still let the two come inside the house, which they did

"Sakurako-san, you can go ahead and see Mochizuki-san, I'll take the cake to the kitchen"

"Is that so? Okay"

With that, Sakurako went toward Kohaku's bedroom

"Can you hold the cake for me?"


Ichiro handed the cake to the maid that had opened the door for them, and he then took off his outdoor shoes. After doing so, he picked up the box again

"Thanks, can you show me where the kitchen is?"

"I can just take the cake there if you want it"

"No, no, as the one who made it. I must be the one who puts it in the fridge"

"If you say so. Then follow me"

Ichiro then followed after the maid. As for Sakurako, she was almost at Kohaku's bedroom, and when she appeared from behind the door

"Kohaku, I'm here"

"Eh?! S-Sacchan?! Erm… Hmm… C-Can you give us a moment?"

"… Sure?…"

When Sakurako revealed her presence, she accidentally caught Kohaku and Kazuo snuggling on each other as they appeared to be almost kissing each other. But her appearance made the two panic in embarrassment and surprise, which Sakurako cutely tilted her head to the side since she didn't get why the two were panicking

After the two calmed down, Kohaku greeted Sakurako. But while she still kept snuggling on Kazuo, but in a less embarrassing manner

"Welcome, Sacchan! Thank you for coming here again!"

"Hello again, Sakurako-san"

"Nn *nods* Hello, Kohaku, Kazuo-san. I'm here again… So… Did I interrupt you two in something important?"

Sakurako made a somewhat apologetic expression as she thought that she might have caused some kind of trouble to the two

"Ah! N-No you didn't, Sacchan! You didn't interrupt anything! *Cof cof cof*"

"Y-Yeah! Y-You didn't interrupt us in anything, Sakurako-san!"

"I see"

"Weren't you two about to kiss each other, though?"

"Well, yeah. We were about to kiss… … … Huh?"

When Kazuo heard that question coming from a very familiar voice, he made a despairing and surprised face when he finally noticed Ichiro standing right next to the door with his usual smile

"W-w-why are you here?!"

"Me? I came here with Sakurako-san to bring a handmade cake for Mochizuki-san, and to eat it with everyone"

Ichiro answered Kazuo's question as he came closer to him, but Ichiro stopped right behind Sakurako, and then gently grabbed both of her shoulders

"Now, Kazuo… How about you tell me, how your relationship with Mochizuki-san has been going?"

"And why should I?"

"Because… Nee, Mochizuki-san"

"Hm? What is it, Ichiro-san?"

"Did Kazuo ever tell you that he calls himself as the Lord of the scar-"

"STOOOOOOOPPPPP!!! I get it! I get it! I'll tell you, so don't finish that!"

Ichiro made a very evil grin towards Kazuo as he got exactly what he wanted, as for Sakurako and Kohaku the two looked at the two boys with somewhat confused faces