Chapter 28

It was another day of school, but today Ichiro had club activities to do, so he was diligently doing his duty as the president of the tea ceremony club with a smile on his face… A very intimidating smile to the other members as they practiced to hone their tea-making skills while being constantly and closely observed by Ichiro

As Ichiro was doing that, he noticed the door to the clubroom opening, followed by the teacher responsive for advising the club calling for him to come outside, Ichiro nodded and then went towards the door and left the clubroom, much to the relief of everyone inside

"Is there something wrong, sensei?… Oh! Good afternoon, principal"

When Ichiro closed the clubroom door and turned towards his club advisor, he saw the principal standing right next to the teacher, as they both had troubled and pressured expressions

"Well, Hirano-kun… There's someone who came to visit you"

"A visit for me?"

Ichiro initially made a confused face, but he quickly noticed who it was about, and just as he realized who it was the person revealed herself

"Good afternoon, Ichiro-san"

"Yes. Good afternoon, Sakurako-san"

Sakurako appeared and greeted Ichiro from behind the teacher and the principal, as she revealed her usual blank expression, Sakurako then went around the principal and got closer to Ichiro revealing that she was wearing her school uniform, in the same way as she was wearing it during their first date

"So what brings you here, Sakurako-san?"

"Kohaku said that I should do the scene of returning home together with my fiancé, and she kept begging for me to do it"

"I see, it's good to see that she's in good health"

"Then shall we go back home together, Ichiro-san?"

"Sorry, but there's still some time until my club activities are over. So if you don't mind, do you want to have some tea in the club room?"

"Hmmm… Sure, I'll take on your offer"

"Great! Then please come in"

As the two talked with each other, both the teacher and the principal stayed quiet since they didn't want to get on the bad side of the Kogane family. So they simply let the two talk with each other and then enter the clubroom, something that students from other schools weren't allowed to do, but the two adults simply decided to act as if they never heard or saw anything as they left the place after Ichiro and Sakurako closed the door

"Please have a seat, Sakurako-san"

"Thanks, Ichiro-san"

"Would you like to have something to drink?"

"Do you have coffee?"

"Sadly, I do not"

"I see"

Sakurako made a somewhat dejected expression, while Ichiro showed an apologetic face to her, but then he changed it to a thinking face as he covered his mouth with one hand

"I think there's still that one…"


After saying those words, Ichiro walked towards the cabinets and began searching them, while Sakurako simply watched Ichiro. As for the other members of the Tea Ceremony Club they were all glancing at Sakurako, while also doing their best to appear that they were still practicing so that Ichiro wouldn't hit them with the wooden stick, but as they did all that they were also talking with each other with just their eyes

<… … … That girl is his fiancée?!?!?!> (x5)

"Ah! Found it… And you all, if you people have time to gossip, you have time to practice, and I don't see you practicing"

"Y-yesh!" (x5)

After Ichiro had found the tea pack he was searching for, he turned to his club members and said that to them, since he had long noticed that they were gossiping behind his back. After doing so, he walked towards Sakurako, put down a tea set on the table, and sat down in front of her

"Well, Sakurako-san. I don't have coffee in the clubroom, but I do have this. Wanna try it?"

"Coffee Cherry tea?… Sure"


Having received Sakurako's approval, Ichiro began preparing the tea for her. Seeing him do that felt somewhat nostalgic since he had also offered to serve tea for her parents during their marriage interview, and just like then, Ichiro looked really elegant and gallant as he carefully prepared the tea


A few minutes later


Ichiro poured the freshly brewed tea into Sakurako's tea cup in a very gentlemanly manner, and after doing so he handed the teacup to her

"Here's your tea, Sakurako-san"

"Thank you, Ichiro-san"

"the pleasure is all mine"

Sakurako brought the teacup closer to her face, and before she started drinking it, she smelled the floral fragrance of the tea, which was quite to her liking. After feeling the scent of the tea, Sakurako took a sip of the tea, this time she was able to feel a quite fruity taste of the tea


"… So what do you think about it, Sakurako-san?"

"Hmm… It's good and I do find it quite fitting to my palate… But I still would like a big mug of coffee"

"Thought so, then how about we go to the cafe together after my club activities end?"

"I'll gladly take on your offer"


Ichiro simply gave a happy smile to Sakurako when she accepted his idea, then he took a sip of the Coffee Cherry tea

From the outside, those two appeared to fit each other quite well, but the other club members, felt conflicted at how different Ichiro acted towards Sakurako when compared to them, to the point that they almost thought that he was blackmailing Sakurako. But that thought of theirs was quickly dispersed, when Ichiro turned his head towards them, and just smiled at them, a very terrifying smile

The club activities continued for more minutes until the school bell rang signaling that all school activities were over. With that Ichiro and the other members packed their belonging and left the clubroom, but today, Ichiro would be accompanied by Sakurako on his way back home