Chapter 30

It was currently nighttime, but the lights of Ichiro's room were still on, and that was because he was currently using his computer. But differently from usual, he was using a pair of glasses and he didn't have any of his usual smiles on his face

Instead, he was looking quite different from usual, that he could be mistaken for someone else, as for why he was still on his computer, that was because he had found a video of Sakurako performing with her violin, and he was currently watching it with great attention


Ichiro stayed silent as Sakurako made her elegant performance, which contrasted quite a lot with her usual behavior around Ichiro. Then when Sakurako finished her performance and bowed, the audience began applauding her, while Ichiro on the other hand, just crossed his arm, and began nodding with a proud smile, after doing so, Ichiro looked at the ceiling with a thinking face

"... ... ..."

Then he picked a small notebook that was right beside the computer, alongside a pen and began writing on it

"Hmmm... I already got some good side courses, but I'm still lacking the main course for the date"

What Ichiro had written in the notebook was a general itinerary for his planned date with Sakurako this Sunday, and what he had just written there was a schedule to pass by a music store during their date. But as he had said, he still lacked a main attraction for the date

"Let's see... There's the amusement park, the aquarium, and the cinema... ... ... Since Sakurako-san appears to perform from time to time, maybe a concert? Hmmm..."

Ichiro was making a serious face as he considered his options on where to bring Sakurako during their date


Thinking a bit more, Ichiro returned to his computer and began typing on the keyboard, this time finding the best places for his planned itinerary with Sakurako

"Let's see what we have... No available tickets for the concert, so scratch that out... ... ... The cinema... Has no music store near it nor are the cafes close to it rated that high, so scratch out as well... No... Nope... Nah..."

Ichiro kept searching for a main attraction that fits all that he wanted until he was left with the aquarium as his main attraction, but it was quite far from his place

"There's a well-rated cafe here and a music store there, alongside an arcade nearby, but it's in another city... Let's see... If we meet here at 10, take a... *mumble mumble*"

As Ichiro mumbled to himself he wrote down the time for meeting and visiting everything, with enough leeway time for them to enjoy everything at a gentle pace

"... ... ... This should be enough *nodding to himself* I'll just ask Sakurako-san on Friday if she's fine with this... And let's make a plan B in case something happens"

After planning a second option, Ichiro finished his plans for his date with Sakurako and then went to sleep






" "We're back" "

Hansuke and Emma had returned home after attending a social event with other influential people, they were greeted by their servants like usual, but then they noticed someone standing at their mansion's entrance, who was wearing clothes very different from the other servants

"Welcome back, Tou-san, Kaa-san"

It was Sakurako, who was still wearing the Japanese waitress uniform that she had put on at Ichiro's house. She greeted her parents with a graceful and elegant bow, fitting for her social status

" "..." "

As for both of her parents, they both stayed silent with surprised faces, at the sight of their daughter looking extremely cute and adorable in that uniform. Sakurako's appearance was so powerful to the two, that they both knelt down and began praying to her

" "Thank you for blessing us with that sight, Sacchan" "

"Nn *nods* I'm grateful for everything that you two do for me, Tou-san, Kaa-san"

" "You're too adorable, Sacchan!" "

After hearing those words from Sakurako, both Kansuke and Emma began crying waterfalls as they went to hug her. It was another great day for those caring parents

Two days later

"Sakurako-san, can you take a look at this?"

"Hm? Sure, what is it about?"

"It's an itinerary for our date on Sunday"

"I see, let me see..."

Ichiro handed the notebook to Sakurako, and she began reading the contents, sipping the coffee that Ichiro had also handed her. While she read the itinerary, Ichiro went to attend to the other tables

"... ... ..." *Squinting her eyes*

As Sakurako tried to read the notebook, she began squinting and rubbing her eyes as she brought the notebook slightly closer to her face, which was because her sight getting worse

That was mostly because she tended to stay awake late into the night in front of a computer, and at a times with the lights off, as she synthesized her music when she played with her guitar, and other times because she ended up reading until it was late into the night. This meant that Sakurako's vision was gradually getting worse because of her own habits, but it was still at a manageable level that she didn't need to use glasses most of the time for now

After a few minutes, Sakurako finished reading the itinerary and put the notebook down, and began thinking about it, but as she did so...

"So what do you think?"

"Ah! Ichiro-san, hmm... Yes, I quite like the itinerary you planned for us"

"I'm glad to hear that"

"Nn *Nods*... But, can I ask you something about it?"


"Why did you include passing by a music store?"

"Ah! About that, I ended up finding a video from a violin performance you did some time ago, and I just thought you would like to pass by a music store"

"I see, thank you for the consideration..."

"It's my pleasure"

Ichiro noticed Sakurako looking to the side as her cheeks got slightly red, and he guessed it was about him watching a video of her violin performance

"... Ichiro-san"

"What is it, Sakurako-san?"

"If you'd like... Would you want to watch me performing live one day?"

"Of course, I would love to"

"I see"

Sakurako took another sip of her coffee, but Ichiro could see that she was feeling quite happy after he agreed on watching a performance of hers someday

Ichiro went on to attend the other tables, and once the place had emptied enough, he returned to Sakurako to spend some time with her as they shared the table, the two enjoy their time together until was time for Sakurako to leave




"See you on Sunday, Sakurako-san"

"Nn *Nods* See you then, Ichiro-san"

After the two gave their farewells to each other, Sakurako entered the luxurious car that always came to pick her up


"Hm? What is it, Hiraku-san?"

"We will be going to an ophthalmologist, at the request of the boss"

"I see... does that mean we will also be going to get a pair of glasses for me as well?"


"I understand"

Sakurako was a well-behaved girl