Chapter 32

"Welcome, a table for two?"

"Yes, please"

"Right, please follow me

When Ichiro and Sakurako walked into the Aquarium's restaurant, one of the waiters attended to the two, and after grabbing two menus, he then led them to an open table.

"Here's the menu, when you two finish deciding on what to order just raise your hands, and a waiter will come to receive your orders"


"Thank you"

And with that the waiter left to attend to the other customers inside the restaurant, leaving Ichiro and Sakurako by themselves as they looked at the menu while seating across across each other. It didn't take more than a few minutes or so for both of them to decide on what they would order.

"Have you decided on what to order, Sakurako-san?"

"Yes, I did"

"Excellent. Ah! *Raises hand*"

Just as Sakurako confirmed that she had already chosen what to order, Ichiro saw a waiter looking in their general direction, so he raised his hand to call for him, to which the waiter dutifully nodded, and soon after had come to their table

"Are you two ready to order?"

"Yes, so I would like to order the fried fillet and an iced tea"

"Got it, and you?" *Turns to Sakurako*

"… I'll have the fish and chips for the entrance, a fillet meunière with a portion of tempura for the main course, and Lemon juice"

"… N-Noted"

The waiter was caught by surprise at Sakurako making such a big order when she had the feeling of someone who didn't eat all that much, then with their orders taken, the waiter picked up their menus and walked away, once again leaving the two by themselves.


"… *Slightly tilts head to the side* Is something wrong, Ichiro-san?"

Ichiro was looking at Sakurako in silence with his usual smile, which confused Sakurako a little since he would usually start talking to her when he did so.

"It's nothing… I just find your big appetite quite cute"

"Ah!… T-Thanks"

Sakurako felt slightly bashful and embarrassed at Ichiro complimenting that side of hers, and because of that they both turned silent again but neither of them felt awkward from the silence, instead, they felt quite comfortable with it.

After some minutes, the waiter came back with their drinks, and Sakurako's order of fish and chips, which she started to dig into with a quite satisfied face at the taste as she also maintained a very lady-like image as she ate, all the while Ichiro watched her eat with his usual smile.


And of course, Sakurako noticed his gaze, but she was confused at what it meant, so she ended up cutting a piece of the fried fish and brought it towards Ichiro. That made Ichiro show a surprised smiling face since he hadn't expected Sakurako to do that.

"? Don't you want a bite, Ichiro-san?"

"… Yes, I would a like a bite, Sakurako-san. Thank you for the offer"

Without hesitation, Ichiro bit the fried fish Sakurako had offered to him and ate it. Sakurako then pulled back her fork and went back to eating her food, but before she could do so



"Say 'Ahn' "

"? Ahn"

Sakurako looked a bit confused at why Ichiro asked her to say that as he held a French fry for her to eat, but just like Ichiro she didn't show hesitation to eat the food that Ichiro was offering her, albeit for a different reason.


Seeing Sakurako innocently accept his offer to feed her, Ichiro happily smiled as he enjoyed seeing his cute fiancée being clueless about what just happened between them.

After some more minutes, their main dishes arrived, and the two enjoyed their meals together, as the two ate, they both showed quite an elegant atmosphere while doing so. Not long after, the two finished having their lunch and asked for the bill.

"Here's the bill, see if everything is correct"

"Thanks… Yes, everything is right, now…"

Before Ichiro could say on how he would pay, Sakurako pulled the bill from Ichiro's hands.

"I'll pay"

She said that as she revealed her golden Grown-up Card, which even appeared to be shining really brightly, due to how rich she was, to the point that even the waiter was blinded by it.

"… Okay"

Ichiro, knowing that he couldn't really go against Sakurako in that matter, just let Sakurako pay the bill for them without a fight. After that, the two left the restaurant with satisfaction.

"So Sakurako-san? Do you want to walk around the aquarium a bit more, or do you want to go somewhere else?"

"I'm fine with walking in the aquarium a bit more"

"Alright then"

With that, the two went back on leisurely visiting the areas of the aquarium they hadn't passed by yet. They would pass by the remaining areas while enjoying the company of each other until they were back at the entrance of the Aquarium after experiencing all of the places it had to offer.

"Well, it appears we've finished our trip to the Aquarium"

"Yes, we did"

"So in our planned schedule, is there a place you want to visit first?"

"Hmm… I'm interested in that music store you mentioned in the schedule"

"I see, then shall we go there?"



With Sakurako's agreement, Ichiro started leading the way to the music store while holding hands with Sakurako. But as they made their way there, Ichiro started noticing something… A lot of gazes from men looking at Sakurako

"… ! Sakurako-san, do you mind if we do a quick detour?"

"No, I don't. Why do you ask?"

"Because there's something I want to buy for you"


Still leading the way, Ichiro entered a clothing store with Sakurako, and immediately brought her to the area lined up with sweaters of all kinds. There Ichiro began looking at the clothes

"Not this… Not this either… ah! Found it. Sakurako-san, can you please try it?"

"? Sure"

Ichiro handed Sakurako a light brown knitted sweater, much like the one that she would wear for school, and after she put it on, she noticed that the length of this one was noticeably bigger, to the point it almost reached to her knees, and it even had a hood.

"So did you like it?"

"Nn *Nods* Yes, it feels really comfortable to wear"

"That's great, then I'll go pay for it"

"You don't need to"

"But I will, it'll be a present for my cute fiancée out of my selfishness"

"… Okay?"

Sakurako didn't understand what Ichiro meant by that, but she agreed on letting Ichiro pay for the sweater. Then after paying for it and removing the tag, Ichiro gave the sweater to Sakurako to wear it again. And they both went back on making their way to the music store, this time, with fewer men gazing at Sakurako.