Chapter 34

It was the morning of a Tuesday, and Ichiro was already in his classroom doing his own things as more students walked in. Then he saw, his cousin Yasu and the transfer student Cicilia walk into the classroom at the same time, but Ichiro noticed something different about Yasu today.


"Mornin' Yasu. I see that you went back to your old routine"

"Is it obvious?"

"Mostly for me, who knows how hopeless you and your mother are for house chores"


Yasu as usual, didn't show any emotion on his face, and instead just decided to sit down as he picked up his phone.

"Messaging Takkun?"

"Yep, Cano-san said that she'll be busy for a few more days, so she won't be able to clean the house for me"

"That explains why your house has been eerily clean lately"

"Thanks. I sent the message, do you think Takkun is going to accept my plea for help?"

"Only if you promise him money"

"True *types on his phone* And sent… He accepted it"

"Hey, whatchu guys doin'?"

"Just bribing Takkun into cleaning Yasu's house, and what about you, Kenzo? Didja decided to change from magical lord something role to dollar store delinquent role?"

"Huhuhu… Of course not. I am forever… You know what"

Kenzo, noticing what Ichiro wanted to do, decided to avoid saying his chunni nickname, and instead changed topics, just to not give Ichiro an opening to make fun of him.

"Anyways, would you mind if I visited your house today, Yasu?"

"I don't have a problem with it, as long as you don't mind a little messy house"

"A little messy is an understatement, and also. Kenzo, you should be clearly aware of how much of a sensitive creature Takkun is. If he notices something strange, he'll do his utmost to avoid it"

"You're right, well I guess I leave it to another time…"

When Kenzo looked at Ichiro, he just saw him gesturing for him to give up on the idea of visiting Yasu's house.



"?!… Y-You know what, I think it's better for me to not go and trouble you as you work on your manga, Yasu"

"Thanks for the consideration, Kenzo"

Kenzo simply gave Yasu a cool nod as he walked away to his seat ad the lessons were about to start.


Hours later


It was already well into the afternoon, and since today, Ichiro didn't have club activities, he was helping at his mother's cafe, but today there was little traffic, and right now the cafe was empty. Even Sakurako who by these hours would already be there and drinking her usual coffee was nowhere to be found.


Then as Ichiro continued to laze around in the cafe, he saw he had received a message from Yasu

//Takkun is here, we heard him scream… Also, can you bring a dessert for me?//

"… I guess, I should go there to appease Takkun. Hm?"

Then Ichiro saw that he received another message, but this time from Yasu's mother, Kimiko.

//Please help us, Takkun might kill us after he finishes cleaning, so please!… Bring a dessert for him to eat! And for me as well!//


Ichiro quickly wrote a reply to his aunt, before getting up and preparing himself to visit his cousins and aunt.

"Let's see, some choux for Takkun… And a cheesecake as well, to make sure he will be less grumpy, and two pieces of apple pie for Aunt Kimiko and Yasu should do… … … Let's also pick something for Cicilia-san as well, I have the feeling she'll be going there as well"

Having decided on what to bring for everyone, Yasu quickly prepared everything for takeout and told his mother that he would be helping Takeru in cleaning Yasu's house, to which she consented. So with that, he left the cafe and went to Yasu's home.


Some time later


*Ding dong*

After arriving at Yasu's home, Ichiro pressed the doorbell and waited for someone to open the front door for him, which didn't take long. Then shortly after, the door was opened revealing that it was Takeru the one who opened it for him.


"…" *Slowly closing the door*

"Aunt Kimiko and Yasu told me you would be here to clean their house for them"

"…" *Still slowly closing the door*

"… I even brought that cream choux you always like to eat at my mother's shop"

"…" *Stops closing the door*


That was all Ichiro could think of as he kept his usual suspicious smile while showing the sweet bribes meant for Takeru. Due to that, Takeru then fully opened the door but still refused to let Ichiro walk inside.

"So what did you come here for?"

"You know, Aunt Kimiko's house is close to my place, and since you were coming here, and today there was less traffic at my workplace, I decided to come here to help you"

"That's really suspicious coming from you"

"If you stop arguing, I'll even let you eat this cheesecake slice I also brought with me"

"Please, come in"

"Thank you very much, Takkun"

With Takeru's permission, Ichiro entered Yasu's house and immediately went to the fridge to put the sweets inside, by doing so he witnessed the sorry state of Yasu and Kimiko's empty fridge. After putting the sweets in the fridge, Ichiro gave another look at the state of Yasu's house and just sighed.


With that Ichiro began preparing himself to clean Yasu's home as well, something that he already expected since the beginning.

"So how have been things in your new school, Takkun?"

"None of your business"

"I see… You definitely met a girl"

"!" *Flinches* "W-what the hell are you spouting?"

"Angry annoyed face… Intimidating glare… Angry tone… With a slight blush *Nodding* Yep, yep, I got a Takssun right there, there's definitely a girl you're interested in, in your new school"

"If you have time to talk nonsense! Then go clean the other rooms upstairs!"

Takeru said that almost shouting as his tsundere side was showing, exactly as Ichiro

"Fine, fine. But this is not over yet… By the way, I got engaged to a pretty nice girl during spring break"

"… There's a girl crazy enough to agree on getting engaged with you!?"


After having a little fun messing with Takeru, Ichiro picked the necessary cleaning materials and walked upstairs. Once upstairs, he stopped in front of one of the closed doors and opened it… Revealing what could not be described in words. Then from the corner of his eyes, he saw a Mister C flying in his general direction.



More hours later


After a good amount of time, Yasu's home was finally clean, for now. Ichiro was currently sitting on the sofa as if he had just been into the hardest battle of his life, as his body appeared to be completely white. As for Takeru, he had left after extorting Kimiko to give him money so that he could buy groceries for her and Yasu.

So right now, there was only Ichiro in the living room, since Yasu and Kimiko were giving their final touches on their manuscripts. Then after some minutes, the doorbell rang, which brought Ichiro back from the dead, so that he could answer the door.

When Ichiro opened the door to receive the person pressing the doorbell, he saw a pink-haired girl wearing glasses standing in front of him.

"Eh? Hirano-kun?"

"Yes, I am Ichiro Hirano. Good afternoon, Carcano-san"

"Ah! Yes, good afternoon!"

"I suppose you came here to check on Yasu, right?"

"! I-I-It's not like that!"

"Yes, yes, I know. In any case, just come inside, Yasu should be close to finishing his manuscript, so you'll be able to flirt with him soon enough"

"I said it's not like that!"

"Hai, hai. I get it, you're just a tsundere with Italian flavor"

Ichiro kept his usual smile as he held Cicilia's punch after calling her a tsundere. And how did he know that she would try to punch him if he said that? Because that was exactly what Takeru would do to him if he was being teased in Cicilia's place.