Chapter 42

(A/N Notes: I had the motivation to write this chapter, but the inspiration failed me)


It was Monday morning, and as always Sakurako was at the student council room to help Himari and the others in dealing with some of the overflowing paperwork before the classes started.


Sakurako was quickly dealing with most of the paperwork, with the rest only able to watch her work at her usual speed, in contrast to her previous lackluster performance from some days ago.

"Did something happen to Kogane-san?"

"I think so, her atmosphere feels… Softer?"

"Oi! If you have time to talk! You have time to move your hands! I don't want to use my after-school hours doing extra paperwork!"

"S-Sorry! Himari-Kaichou!"

Himari who glared at the two colleagues who weren't moving fast enough, sighed at seeing them run in different directions like frightened chickens, and then she glanced at Sakurako, who as always had an expressionless face. But thanks to knowing her for a long time, Himari was able to see that Sakurako was in a great mood today, and she had a guess as to why.




"…" *Smiling smiling*

Ichiro was seated at his desk, and like every single day he had his usual smile on his face, showing that he was in a bright mood, but to everyone else, that was a cause of concern, because no one could say if he was smiling in the usual way, the happy way or the annoyed way, since his smiles were always the same.

"… So? What do you guys think?"

"I think that we shouldn't talk to him today"

"But what if he comes to talk to us instead?"

"We use the only foolproof tactic we have"

"You're be forever remembered, Lord of the eternal Blizzard"

"We will always hold your memory close to our hearts, Lord of the Eternal Blizzard"

"Oi! Why are you two thinking I'll be the one staying behind?!"

"I am not volunteering for this plan"

"Me neither. So that leaves only one person to do it"

"… I'm not doing it, I'm not crazy"

Kenzo, Kazuo, and Kyo were all arguing with themselves just outside the classroom, as each of them tried to push the unenvious position of stalling Ichiro as the other two fled to the other. But seeing that, they would have to resolve on the good old way, they gave up on arguing and instead went back on focusing on their current predicament.

"Okay, so who's gonna gauge Ichiro's mood and find the reason why, today?"

"Why don't we ask Takkun?"

"He went to another school, remember?"

"Ah True… Then how about calling him to call Ichiro?"

"I doubt he gonna notice the call, he always has the tendency to leave his phone on the bag and read some light novel"

"Oh yeah… Then how… Yasu?"

"Are you crazy? That guy is just going to snitch us to Ichiro!"

"What about me, you guys are talking about?"

Then the person that they were just talking about, Yasu, appeared from the side, with a certain pink-haired girl walking by his side. And it was clear that he had just arrived at school, by the fact that he still had his bag with him.

"Oh hey, Yasu. Well, have a look at your cousin"


Following Kenzo's thumb, Yasu noticed Ichiro was in a bright mood as she continued to sit on his desk. After seeing that, Yasu returned to the three guys.

"So what do you think?"

"He appears to be in a good mood… I think. Takkun would've been able to say for sure"

"Man, I wish that Takkun was still here"


"… … … *Sigh*"

The girl who was accompanying Yasu simply sighed in annoyance and then entered the classroom, but instead of going to her desk, she went toward Ichiro.

"Oi. What're you making that dumb smile for?"

"Ah! Carcano-san, good morning! Did you enjoy your morning date with Yasu?"

"I-It wasn't a date! A-And we aren't dating!"

"Right, right, if you ever feel like it, I think my mother wouldn't mind hiring you to work at her cafe. Here, take this card"

"Ah, thanks… Wait! I'm the one asking you the questions here!"

"Oh? Is that so? Then please forgive me, so what do you want to ask me?"


Cicilia was about to retort back to Ichiro, but noticing that this was exactly what he wanted her to do, she held back and deeply breathed in to calm herself.

"Haa. So, did something good happen to you yesterday?"

"… Yes, it did. Why do you ask?"

Ichiro momentarily remained silent as he felt bummed for Cicilia not taking the bait. But he readily answered her question

"Nothing really"

"Heeeh… Isn't it because you want Yasu to praise you?"

"?! N-No, it isn't!"

"Then why did you come to ask me about my mood then?"

"… Erm… Because… Hmm… … … Because your smile annoys me?"

"Oh? Is that so?"

At that answer, Ichiro only widened his smile and even made a smug expression to Cicilia.


Cicilia who was starting to lash out, looked away as her forced smile kept twitching from the anger she was feeling. Which was also a move done by another tsundere that Ichiro knew.

"… You really are a tsundere"

"S-shut it!"

With that, Cicilia angrily walked away and towards her desk. As for Yasu and the other three, they just watched the exchange between the two at an audible distance.

"… So? Your verdict, Yasu"

"We should avoid talking about anything personal close to him, and avoid eye contact at all costs"


"You're right"


The four then briefly looked again at Ichiro, only to see him making an amused grin as he looked at them. Which was enough to cause them to feel a chill running down their spines. And that was simple because Ichiro whether in a good mood or not, he would always try to make them talk about their embarrassing memories. So all they could do was avoid making eye contact with Ichiro and getting his unwanted attention. Of course, all of that relied on the very simple idea that Ichiro wouldn't approach any of them first, which…

"So? What'chu guys doin'?"

Was already an impossibility, as Ichiro's voice was heard from right behind Kenzo.

"?! H-Hey, Ichiro. N-Nothing's going on, we're definitely not discussing why your mood looks so bright today"

"Is that so? Then why don't we talk about that time, you tried to confess to a girl while acting and dressed like a super sentai?"

"… Ahahaha… W-Well, I-I've some business w-with K-Kyo, S-So…"

"Hm? But Kyo already left the classroom with Kazuo though"


When Kenzo looked back at where Kazuo, Kyo, and Yasu were supposed to be, all he saw was air, as the three fled away as per his foolproof plan to escape Ichiro.

"So… How about you start telling that story with an audible voice?"

"… C-Can I refuse?"

"Hmmm… Nope!"