Society is a social construct driven by mental beliefs that we're just supposed to believe. That's what my mom always says. She also says that it's like a toxin that poisons the well being of teens and adults everywhere. It's once said that what kills you makes you stronger, but that doesn't apply when talking about society. It blacks out new ideas and the creative vision that is the people of our broken down controlled construct.

Because of society, we have beauty standards, we have painful moments, we're teased and tortured, locked in a cage of beliefs that can't be different, we can't have our own opinions without feeling strongly of them. The goal of society is to rip the closest people apart and break bonds that were supposed to last forever.

As I walked down the stairs to the first floor, I turned left to the kitchen to see my dad on the phone with someone in a drowning tone.

"Thank you so much. Yes, I understand." My father said and then hung up the phone.

I am confused. What's up with my dad and why does he sound so drained and why does he look so depressed? I walked closer to him, noticing that his eyes were filled with tears. Like, the ocean was in his eyes and I could tell that something was bugging him. I want to ask him what's wrong, but I don't want to bother him, since this is highly affecting him.

"Hi dad."

"Hey, Rose."

Roselina Janessa Pierce. That's my full name, and my middle name is my mother's first.

"Are you okay dad? You look like a mess. Is something bothering you?" I asked him and the first tear streamed down his face.

I've never seen my father like this before. I know something has to be bothering him. He never cries like this.

"Sweetheart, you know how your mother went on that business trip?" My father said to me, I nodded. "Well, she's dead, Rose."

The words that came out of my dad's mouth just now shut down all of my feelings. It's like my body didn't want to feel it and to be honest, my body didn't want to feel it. It felt as though my body was about to self-destruct like a robot. Except that I wasn't a robot. Except that I'm a human who has to deal with her emotions, even if they're unbearable.

My father gave me a huge hug and I felt my eyes fill up like the river that is raining down my father's eyes. I just can not believe that my mother vanished. It's like one second she's there and she's alive for you to hug and talk to, and the next, she's just a distant memory, a fuzzy cloud that feels like a dream you slowly and slowly forget about her voice, or how her hugs feel, or how much she helped you grow up and be a better person. That is how it feels to lose your mother.

"When is the funeral?" I asked my father with the tears rolling down my eyes as though it's a ball in a bowling alley with no pins to knock down.

"It's in two weeks, but please be strong for Chase and Arianna." My father said to me and I nodded.

Arianna and Chase are my younger brother and sister. Arianna is a newborn 6 months old that enjoys weird TV shows like Telletubbies and Chase is a nine year old boy who enjoys rocket ships and race cars.