Walking home from school today is honestly more dreadful than walking home any other day. I am not walking with Charli and while she did the unforgivable, I can't forget to think: maybe she was being honest about the close thing. Oh well. That's her problem, not mine.

I notice Charli on the opposite side of the street. She waves to me and I start running a little bit faster, making sure that I won't have to deal with her or with her bullshit lies she's going to tell me.

A couple minutes later, I finally get home to my two story house, with a blue exterior and I open the door to my brother playing with his race cars and my father feeding baby Arianna.

"I have some news for you, Rose." My father said and I looked at him, with a confused look.

I just can't believe what Charli and Christian have done to me.

"You're switching to a new school in Louisiana." My father said and I smiled, as I feel like this is a good turn in my life.

I'll come back every now and then to see my mother's grave, of course. I am going to need to remember where I come from and the woman who raised me.

"Okay, dad." I said.

I am willing to get out of this town. It's too mourning and depressing to stay in any longer. Everyone is giving me pain that I can't bear right now, and it sucks.

I walk closer to my dad and Arianna, as I play with the little hairs that are growing on her. She smiles and laughs. At least she won't have to feel the pain of losing her mother right now.

"Dad, go lay down. I'll play with her." I said and my father nodded, going up the stairs to his bedroom on the left side of the hallway.

After dad leaves, Arianna starts crying and I pick her up from the high chair.

"It's okay, Arianna. Sissy Rose is here!" I said, bringing her to the living room so she can play with the toys as she is laying on her back, reaching up into the air.

She started smiling again and it made me happy to see her like that. She also looks a lot like dad. That's in a good way though. Arianna is my beautiful baby sister. After a little while, Arianna stops playing with the toys and she falls asleep. I gently grabbed her, making sure she didn't wake up and I brought her up to mom's old bedroom since it had the crib in it.

Mother was very nurturing. She always wanted the babies in her room, even though she refused to have the same room as father because apparently, my father was a huge snorer and she was sensitive to loud sounds.

"Rose, what are you–" My dad stopped to see me putting Arianna in the baby crib that is located in mother's room.

"I'm putting her to sleep. She's one tired little girl." I said and dad nodded, as he came next to me and looked at her from outside the crib.

"You need to start packing up what you're going to bring to Louisiana." My dad said and I nodded, walking to my bedroom.

The first thing I grabbed was in my mother's room. It was her favorite book. She always wanted me to read it. She always read a chapter of it before she went to sleep every night. As I grab the paperback copy of 'The Great Gatsby' I walk out of mom's room and back to my room, as I start packing a suitcase of clothes, a suitcase of jewelry, and a suitcase of other things that I am going to need.

Rose Janessa Pierce, say goodbye to everything you have ever known.