11: ROSE

Laying in my bed, I ask myself the inevitable question: Could this new start actually be good for me? The thing is that I don't exactly know because well, there's so much drama when you always start at a new school. I know today wasn't my official first day, but that's okay, right? To worry? It's normal. I should stop freaking about it.

Ping! My phone went off once. I ignore it, since I'm doing my hair. I want to do it in a braid for tonight's YouTube video, because I am just bored. Don't get me wrong. I am nowhere near an influencer or a YouTuber, I just want to have some fun. Ping! My phone goes again. Why can't my phone just shut off?

Once I look at myself and find my braid satisfactory enough for me to be okay with it, I walk to my nightstand on the opposite side of the room, grabbing my phone.

Well, guess who it is. It's Charli. How nice. I use my face ID to get into my phone and see what she wants.

What the fuck does she want?

She already has Christian

I go onto Instagram and open my DMs list. Turns out I have a list of missed DMs from Charli. It says 9+. Why is this girl so obsessed with me?

Charli: Rose, I saw that you got on a plane. I hope you're doing okay. I care about you.

Charli: I am so sorry for what I have done to you. Please forgive me.

I rolled my eyes as I stared into these messages. Why can't she just understand that my life is better without her?

Charli: Rose, please. I know that you're angry, I would be too.

Charli: When you come see us again, would you ever be interested in watching the After movies?

Oh my fucking god! Charli is dumber than I thought. She really thinks I would come back to see her?! She played with my emotions. Not okay, and completely inappropriate. I genuinely want to hit this girl with all of my might. She pisses me off.

Charli: Are you okay? We haven't spoken in a week. I'm concerned.

Charli: Please Rose, I care about you.

If you fucking cared, you would stay the fuck away from me and the life that I want to create for myself. I agreed to move away because of the uncomfortable situation she put me in. No one would willingly move away from their mother's grave, you dumb fuck.

The anger that I feel is so huge compared to the guilt she feels, if she even feels any.

I don't believe her, and what she did is so fucking unforgivable. I am happy without her and she's just mad. She can go perish in California for all I give a fuck about.

"I'm ready." I say to myself as I go to her profile, tap on the three dots, and the options pop up.

The one I am looking at is 'block' because that is exactly what I want to do. Real friends don't make you feel the way she did. I pressed on the block button, and then a little question box appeared that said 'are you sure' or something related to it, and that little box got me thinking for a second. Do I want to make her suffer? Do I want to make things worse for her? Do I want to say one last goodbye? No.

She deserves to vanish from my life. That is exactly what I am doing. I press 'yes' on the 'are you sure' box and she is officially blocked.

I smirked at that 'unblock' profile with her name on it and I put my phone down, as I undid my braid and went to sleep. I decided not to make that YouTube video after all.