Chapter Thirteen: Taking My Place

The ladies exchanged looks and I gulped. I looked in the newsroom, with the news report that is coming back about the big fight that happened in front of the newsroom. I see the officers taking Katherine to the police building, and I sigh, looking back at the ladies. These ladies look like identical twins, but one of them has red hair and the other one is a blondie.

"Oh my gosh.. Your highness." The red headed lady said, and I looked so confused.

"What do you mean by your highness?" I asked them and they looked at me.

"You are the royal piece. You are taking the throne in seven months. Oh my god. This is not real." The blonde lady said, and I looked at my brother.

"So, I take over this community in seven months? I am guessing that I pick the colors of everyone as well?" I asked, and the twins nodded.

"Yes. You get to choose the colors of citizens. No one has ever had this opportunity before. You get to live in TerotBlock. It is a small city next to SeaShore. You are going to be living there until your future kid rules the community. Remember, it is the first born that takes over." The redhead lady said, and I gulped.

"Will I ever see my brother again? Will I ever see my friends again?" I asked them, and the blonde one started to play with her fingers, looking down at them.

"Well, you can only pick three people to live with you. These are the only three people who are allowed on the property for the rest of their lives. Once you choose your three, you can never change your choice again. The only way that someone else can be welcomed on the property that is not the three people you choose… is if the person is born on that property. The entire castle is blocked off, so that no one can hurt you, as long as you are in those walls." The redhead said, and I gulped, as I started to think about who I am going to have there with me, and who I am not going to have there.

"Is there a cheat way to bring others there?" I asked them, and the redhead girl nodded.

"Yes. While you can only have three live with you, you can take down the barrier temporarily or permanently whenever you want to. Once you take off the barrier permanently, you have to wait until the next in line puts the barrier back up. And while you are sixteen, and not seventeen, you can not take it down until you are seventeen." The redhead said, and I looked at my brother.

"I think this is goodbye, brother. I am so sorry." I said, and I hugged him as tight as I could, crying.

"Wait. So, when I leave the barrier territory, I can see anyone I want out of the barrier, right?" I said, and the blonde girl shook her head.

"Yes. However, you have to be invisible for half of your day. You can be visible for twelve hours, and invisible for the other twelve. These three you give the mark to can see you even when you are invisible. Those you give orange marks to, are allowed inside the building, but if you look at your orange mark," The blonde said, and I looked at my mark. It has a little crown on it. "That crown symbolizes that you are the ruler, and that nobody can take that from you. And, one thing you should be careful of, orange marked people can give the mark to other people, even if they aren't the ruler. You are the only one with the power to take away the orange marks from people."

This is a lot to take in, but I know who I am going to give the palace invitation rights to.

"I know who to give the first orange marks to." I said, and they nodded, bringing me to the selector room they have for me.


"So, these are the people that you have close in your life. Your brother, your girlfriend, your girlfriend's cousin, your little sister, Alia, Mads, Leah, Jack, Dysio, Fiona, and Dixie. Who are you bringing with you? To live with you as a real orange, to pass down the orange mark origin, instead of those who have the mark, but won't have the powers?" The redhead asked me, and I smiled, choosing proudly.

"I am done. I have chosen my three." I said, and I walked out of the room, and then out of the building. I looked at my brother and he was invisible. I sighed and I looked down at myself. Did I make the right choice?


Wait. My arm hurts, and so do Mads's and Tyler's. We open up our arms and we notice that we have a second mark. We have our normal marks, and then we have this orange mark. We hear the door open, and I look to see Ashlyn right there, looking at us. We hugged her, and she smiled.

"What do these orange marks mean?" Mads asked Ashlyn, and she sighed.


"Well, I get to rule in the castle. However, I can only choose three people to pass the mark origin to. I chose you three. Mads, Damara, and Tyler." I said, and Tyler smiled.

"I knew you love me." Tyler said, as he tried to kiss me. I looked at him with the weirdest look, and I smiled at Damara.

I wrapped my hands around her waist, looking at her in the eyes. I never realized how short she is compared to me. I looked down at myself, and then I walked to the orange carriage, hopping in, with Damara next to me and Tyler and Mads next to each other.

You really thought this was the end, did you? Nah. There's so much more coming. You just don't know it yet.