A New Entry

Sunye read the article. It was something from a tabloid and while the picture was a little blurry, her face was clear. Kibum's face was a little hazy but there was a writing on his jacket which gave away his name. SD was quietly watching her expression, waiting for her to say something.

"Well?" Jonghyun demanded. "Why aren't you speaking?"

"What's there to say?" Sunye stated. "It's a picture of a guy carrying me back to his room. What's so weird with that?"

Jonghyun slammed his hands on the table. "My employee is dating a notorious gangster!" he exclaimed. "I can't allow that-"

"As far as I remember, there are no such rules cited in my contract paper that I can't date anyone," she pointed out. 

"He's a criminal!"

"Was he convicted of anything?"