Tainted by the Villain (2)**

His one hand was snaked around her stomach, holding her against his bare chest while the other hand traced her petals. Sunye her reflection in the mirror as her body heat up and her face reddened. Her expression was a mix of coyness and pleasure. She wanted to look away from the mirror but there was something about the whole experience with him which forced her to watch their act. 

She saw his finger reaching to her bud and he held it between his thumb, squeezing it.

"Ahhh…" she moaned in pleasure, her reflection mimicking her actions. She leaned back against his chest. His head was buried in her neck gently caressing her skin with his tongue. Sunye's eyes were fixed on the mirror like some trance. She saw her breathless self, panting and silently begging for more. SD was showing her the suppressed desires which he was now opening one by one, exposing her to himself. It was scary. It was embarrassing.

But it was also exciting.