Final Week

-Back to Zeref's POV-

"Everyone get in a straight line!" The instructor shouted and we all got in a single file line.

"I am impressed with all of your performances thus far and we are already close to the end of our time here. I just want to say you have all worked really hard and continue to do so till the end of your time here. The army will always be open to all of you to join us whenever you desire. 

"As it's the first day of the final week, the instructors as a collective have decided on several games we can play today-" As he said that all the boys broke out of character jumping up and down in joy. Everyday was filled with exhausting exercises, it might not have affected me much but I could tell, to ordinary humans this was hellish. A similar sight could be seen from the other side of the fences segregating the boys from the girls.

Mine and Malia's eyes locked each other's and we exchanged smiles, before looking back at the instructor.