"Sorry, Mr. Marcos I can't. I have to hurry home because I have an appointment with my friend." said Nadia regretfully not being able to help Marcos.

Not because she doesn't want to help Marcos, it's just that Nadia is very lazy to face Jonathan's stubbornness.

"Now just like this sir, I will still go home because I already promised my friends. When Mr. Jonathan has a fever, Mr. Marcos can contact me. I'll try to come soon." said Nadia earnestly.

"Alright Nadia, I'll call you if Mr. Jonathan has a fever." said Marcos a little relieved because Nadia was already willing to look after Jonathan if something happened later.

"Then I'll go home first, Mr. Marcos." said Nadia as she left the house from the side door.

While looking at her watch, Nadia walked out across the vast courtyard.

Out of Jonathan's mansion yard, Nadia was surprised by Bastian standing at the door of the pickup car.

"Mr. Bastian? still here?" asked Nadia as she approached Bastian.

"Yes Miss Nadia, I asked Mr. Jean to wait for Miss Nadia." replied Bastian while lowering his head.

"Oh... Good, Sir, let's just go to the flower shop." Nadia said calmly getting into the pickup.

Bastian slowly drove his car toward the flower shop as Nadia ordered.

Arrive at the flower shop, immediately Nadia got out of the pickup car. He saw Jean was standing in front of the glass door.

"Jean! I you already here? I thought you took me to your father tonight." said Nadia when she got a message from Jean when she finished delivering flowers directly to the flower shop. That's why Nadia can't help Marcos look after Jonathan.

"Yes...I thought my problem would be resolved sooner that would be better. And now it's the rainy season, every night it almost always rains." said Jonathan while giving a paper bag to Nadia.

"Is this Jean?" Nadia asked, opening the paper bag in her hand.

"For you, hope you like it." said Jean with a smile.

"Wow...this is what Jean? why did you buy this clothes?" Nadia asked with a look of disbelief when she saw the dress that she had shown Jean for a few days in a clothing store while walking with Jean.

"I bought it for you, because it is impossible for us to be Dad with you in those duffel pants and short t-shirt right?" said Jean still with a charming smile.

"So I wore these clothes to meet your father?" asked Nadia, swallowing her saliva.

Jean nodded his head.

"Go inside and change your clothes." said Jean with eyes full of patience.

Without being able to say anything, Nadia immediately went into the greenhouse to change clothes.

While waiting for Nadia to change clothes, Jean called him mother to tell her that soon he would come with Nadia.

"Prepare a delicious meal, ma'am." said Jonathan with a smile then hung up the call.

"Jean." called Nadia who was standing at the door wearing her red dress.

Jean looked back and froze to see Nadia's graceful and charming appearance.

Immediately Jean approached Nadia, who was still standing shyly with a flushed face.

"You are very beautiful Nadia, this dress is perfect for you." said Jean with a full gaze staring at Nadia's beautiful and elegant face.

"So we're leaving?" Nadia asked after a while there was no conversation between herself and Jean other than looking at each other.

"Of course Nadia, Let's go." said Jean as he stretched out his hand to Nadia.

With a smile, Nadia welcomed Jean's helping hand.

"Jean's my old clothes, I brought it? " said Nadia to Jean as she walked to the car parked on the side of the road.

Jean nodded his head, confirmed Nadia's words.

"Our Jean won't be there long?" Nadia asked looking at Jean who was already sitting behind the wheel.

"Hopefully soon Nad, No questions asked of Mom and Dad. " replied Jean while running the car at medium speed.

Several times Nadia heard Jean's long sigh.

"What do you think Jean?" asked Nadia with a frown.

Jean glanced at Nadia's face then focused back on the road in front of him.

"I'm a little doubt about what we are doing, Nadia. I don't want us to get into trouble later." said Jean with an uneasy heart.

"I don't understand what you're afraid of Jean? we just play to get engaged right? and after that you must immediately find a replacement for Vivian." said Nadia calmly.

"What if I don't get Vivian's replacement right away? then Dad told us to get married soon?" asked Jean with a complicated look.

"Oh... not Jean! don't let that happen! You know yourself, I will not marry before repaying my heartache to the person who made my mother die." said Nadia, holding her forehead.

"You never told me who that person was in the past? who is Nadia?" asked Jean curiously.

Nadia was silent not wanting to say Daren's name in front of Jean. Especially after knowing Jonathan was a close friend of Jean.

"I'm still not ready to tell you Jean. Forgive me. And again Jean, we can't possibly get married too, right? we love each other nothing but affection as friends." said Nadia, supporting her shoulder with one hand staring at the side of the road which looked busy.

"What you said is true Nadia, that's why I thought. Should we step back, I'll talk to Daddy honestly when I've broken up with Vivian? What do you think?" asked Jean with a full gaze.

"Do not, pity your father. There is a huge risk if you tell your dad that you just broke up with Vivian." said Nadia a little confused by Jean's problem.

"Then what should we do?" asked Jean with despair.

"Just stick to the original plan, If indeed what we fear happened there are only two ways out for you. First you have to immediately find a replacement for Vivian, and secondly you have to buy time by looking for the right reasons." said Nadia with her thoughts.

"What exact reason is Nadia?" asked Jean with a brain deadlocked.

"I don't know Jean either, it's your job to find it okay?" said Nadia with a wry smile.

"Okay... we have to calm down now, I will find a solution to the problem. Now the most important thing is we've been looking for answers for Dad." said Jean with his decision after his car entered his yard.

"I hope that we both can calm down when we face Mom and Dad." said Jean as he got out of the car and opened the door to Nadia, who was still sitting in the car, biting her lip.