"No need Jean, I'll go by bus." said Nadia, not wanting to bother Jean.

"All right, be careful on the road Nadia." said Jean, escorting Nadia to the front of the house.

Nadia stopped a city bus that happened to be passing by. While looking at her cellphone which rang several times, Nadia took a seat. Nadia looked around her, there were many empty chairs.

"There were only a few passengers, maybe it was night. I didn't even look at the clock." said Nadia, looking at the clock on her cellphone.

"Ten o'clock at night, deservedly lonely." said Nadia while sending a message to Marcos when she arrived soon. and nadia wanted marcos to wait in front of the house. Nadia doesn't want to be in trouble with the security guard guarding the house.

After a few minutes the city bus in which Nadia was riding stopped in front of Jonathan's house. Soon Nadia got off the city bus and crossed the street to Jonathan's house. You can see Marcos is standing in front of the house on the side of the road.

"Mr. Marcos, sorry I'm late arriving?" said Nadia slightly bending her back.

"It's okay Miss Nadia, Come on ... we go in now. Mr. Jonathan's fever has not gone down." said Marcos with a worried face, escorting Nadia to Jonathan's room.

Nadia swallowed her saliva when she and Marcos were at Jonathan's door. Nadia's heart hesitated to go into Jonathan's room, Nadia still vividly remembers her fight with Jonathan.

"Please come in. Miss Nadia, I have prepared what is necessary to take care of Mr. Jonathan." said Marcos then left Nadia after opening Jonathan's door.

While biting her lip, Nadia entered Jonathan's room and approached Jonathan, who was lying weakly naked on his bed.

"I didn't know that with me here, Jonathan's condition would get better or worse. Because I'm sure Jonathan wouldn't be happy knowing I was here." Nadia said to herself as she touched Jonathan's sweaty forehead. The wound on Jonathan's forehead is still covered with bandages.

"Her fever is so high that I will compress it first, then I have to persuade her to take the medicine." said Nadia while looking for a basin filled with water that Marcos had prepared.

"Thankfully the water and the small towel are already there, I just need to compress it and after this my job is complete." said Nadia, taking a basin filled with water and a small towel to compress Jonathan.

"Hope you don't know, if I'm doing this, Mr. Jonathan." said Nadia, starting to compress Jonathan's forehead slowly and repeatedly.

Nearly an hour Nadia looked after and compressed Jonathan without stopping.

"Why didn't the fever go down at all? Is there something wrong?" Nadia asked silently with her hand still on Jonathan's forehead without suspecting the wound on Jonathan's forehead.

"Ugghhh...Cough ... Cough ... Cough"

Jonathan groaned nervously along with the cough that didn't stop. Cold sweat started to come out around his forehead.

Nadia studied Jonathan's face, which looked increasingly pale.

"Cold ... so cold." Jonathan said increasingly babbling repeatedly with an anxious face.

Nadia quickly covered Jonathan's body with a thick blanket up to Jonathan's neck.

"Cough .. cough .. Cough"

Jonathan coughed nonstop.

"It seems like something is wrong, is it because he hasn't taken the medicine yet?" Nadia asked herself, a little surprised by Jonathan's pain.

"I can't keep waiting, I have to give him medicine." said Nadia while taking the medicine that Marcos had prepared.

"Mr. Jonathan will definitely not be able to take the medicine if he is not awake." said Nadia thinking about breaking Jonathan's medicine into powder.

A moment later, Nadia mixed medicinal powder with a little water in a small glass.

While lifting Jonathan's head who was still unconscious because of his fever, Nadia feeds Jonathan little by little until Jonathan's medicine runs out.

"Hopefully after taking this medicine Mr. Jonathan's fever will go down soon." said Nadia as she laid Jonathan's head back on the pillow.

After giving Jonathan medicine, Nadia returned to wait and look after Jonathan while reading a book. But a sense of boredom enveloped Nadia's heart.

"How many hours do I have to look after him? it's ten at night, I have to go home. But how do I get home? Mr. Jonathan's fever still hasn't gone down." said Nadia while standing beside Jonathan, staring at Jonathan's pale face.

With a panicked heart, Nadia sat back in the chair, feeling Jonathan's forehead.

"It's strange why Mr. Jonathan's fever doesn't go down?" Nadia asked silently, pressing her temples to observe the wound on Jonathan's forehead.

"Is it possible that the wound on Mr. Jonathan's forehead has an infection?" Nadia asked, touching the wound and gently removing the bandage stuck to Jonathan's forehead.

"Oh my God, why is it blue like this? no wonder Mr. Jonathan's fever isn't going downhill." Nadia asked, very surprised when she saw Jonathan's wound.

With a feeling of anxiety, Nadia took the medicine box that Marcos had provided.

"How can you not care about your wound Mr. Jonathan." said Nadia while cleaning the dry blood on Jonathan's wound and applying anti-infective medicine powder as well as changing the bandage with a clean bandage.

"Hopefully with this, Mr. Jonathan's situation will improve." said Nadia unconsciously rubbing Jonathan's face with pity.

Jonathan's head moved slowly when he felt a gentle caress on his face. Slowly Jonathan's eyes opened, seeing Nadia in front of him Jonathan frowned.

"Why you are here?" Jonathan asked looking at Nadia with a sharp gaze.

"I! I am here, looking after and taking care of you." said Nadia to return Jonathan's gaze sharper.

"Who told you to take care of me?" Jonathan asked with an angry face that was not at all happy with Nadia's presence in his room.

"Marcosssss!! Marcos!! Cough .. Cough .. Cough." called Jonathan to Marcos with a loud shout while coughing.

Seeing Jonathan about to scream again, Nadia immediately covered Jonathan's mouth with one hand.

"Ccckkk!! no need to shout! Mr. Marcos won't hear you! Mr. Marcos is asleep, it's getting late!" said Nadia with a full gaze.

Jonathan weakly pulled Nadia's hand from his mouth.

"I don't care if this is my room, and this is my house." said Jonathan with a face that looked annoyed and angry.

Nadia is silent, anxious to cover Jonathan's mouth with a pillow.

"What is wrong? why are you looking at me like that? do you not accept my attitude? Marcosss!! Marcos!!" shouted Jonathan even more hysterically.

Hearing Jonathan's screams, Nadia exasperatedly covered Jonathan's mouth with her hands.

"Ummppp...umppp!!" Jonathan's voice could not come out because Nadia's hands were clasping his mouth.

Nadia smiled triumphantly seeing Jonathan unable to move anymore.

"Listen Mr. Jonathan, if you are still stubborn I will not remove my hand." said Nadia with great pressure.