"Please!! anyone outside !! please open the door!!" shouted Nadia, banging on the door repeatedly.

"Hi!! What are you doing!! I can't sleep you know!" shouted Jonathan, covering his ears.

"I don't care for you, I have to get out of this room. I don't want to go crazy seeing your attitude." said Nadia with an angry look.

Regardless of what Nadia said, Jonathan tried to get up from his sleep to sit back, but his body felt weak. Her legs couldn't move at all.

"What do you want? can you move even if you just sit?" Nadia asked, forced to approach Jonathan who was insisting on sitting down.

With pouting lips, Nadia helped Jonathan to his seat by lifting Jonathan's waist.

"Don't do anything if you are not sincere." said Jonathan without looking at Nadia's face.

"What do you mean talk like that?" asked Nadia with a full gaze.

"You! if you help me sincerely, not with a frowning face and lips." said Jonathan who was already in a sitting position.

"Then what should i do?" asked Nadia in a flat tone, narrowing her eyes.

"A little smile maybe." said Jonathan staring at Nadia's face, which looked gloomy.

"Hem... I can't do it if my heart doesn't want to. I am not one for pleasantries." said Nadia walking back to the door trying to open the door.

Jonathan lowered his face, as if holding something back.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Nadia as she leaned against the door.

Jonathan's face was pale, his hands gripping the blanket.

Nadia frowned, surprised to see Jonathan's attitude, who was in pain.

"Mr arrogant! why are you again?" Nadia asked annoyed that her question was not answered.

Jonathan raised his face and looked at Nadia's face with a pitiful look.

"What?" asked Nadia again with full eyes.

"I ... I want to poop." Jonathan replied hesitantly.

"What!! you want to poop? not! not now Mr. Arrogant. Please! Just hold on tomorrow, wait for Mr. Marcos. Or I have to bang on the door until everyone wakes up." said Nadia with a pale face too.

"I can't hold it anymore. Am I supposed to poop in here?" asked Jonathan with a winking gaze.

"Oh, my God!! dream i have to be here till tomorrow morning!" said Nadia as she took her cellphone to contact Mr. Marcos.

"What's wrong with Mr. Marcos? Mr. Marcos sleeps like a dead man? so you can't hear your cell phone and banging on the door?" Nadia asked, glancing at Jonathan with his face already pale and grimacing with something.

"Mr. Jonathan, can you contact Mrs. Anne? who knows Mrs. Anne wakes up and can send Mr. Marcos down here." said Nadia with a serious look.

"Don't you know that my stomach hurts? I've endured the pain, you still telling me? why don't you just call yourself!" said Jonathan as he took his cellphone and gave it to Nadia.

With an annoyed gaze, Nadia receives a cellphone from Jonathan and then looks for Anne's name. After finding Anne's name which was written as Momy Anne, Nadia immediately contacted Mrs. Anne.

By biting her lip, Nadia waited for her call to be accepted by Mrs. Anne. But still, even though Nadia had contacted her several times, her calls were not accepted.

"What happened to Mr. Marcos and Mrs. Anne? did they experience something? so you can't hear our calls." said Nadia in a panic as she looked at Jonathan who was already pale while holding his stomach.

"You hold on for a moment, I'll open the door." said Nadia back to the door trying to break it.

"Don't break it, you won't be able to. The door is made of teak wood. It's useless for you to break it. Just help me to the bathroom, I can't help it anymore." said Jonathan while trying to move his immobile legs.

Nadia felt her body weak with the squeezing situation. How could she help Jonathan to the bathroom to defecate. It's not a matter of defecating, but she's a girl and Jonathan a boy.

"Mr. Jonathan, who usually helps you to the bathroom?" said Nadia, expressing her meaning.

"Marcos." said Jonathan briefly.

"Well, just ask Mr. Marcos for help." said Nadia. Suddenly she got the idea to trick Jonathan into making her a personal nurse.

"Yes ... but Marcos isn't here." said Jonathan with full eyes.

"Then, do I have to take care of you now? Remember Mr. Jonathan, I'm not your nurse. I'm Mrs. Anne's gardener. How can I break your rules, Mr. Jonathan?" said Nadia seriously even though her heart was smiling triumphantly.

Jonathan took a deep breath, holding his stomach that he could no longer hold.

"Alright, from today you are my nurse. Now hurry up and help me to the bathroom. I can't hold it anymore." said Jonathan forced to give in because the situation could not allow him to be stubborn.

"Okay, what should I do now? What should I do?" Nadia asked standing upright beside Jonathan.

"You're a nurse right? you should know what you have to do?" asked Jonathan with raised eyebrows.

"I really know Mr. Arrogant's way, but am I the same way Mr. Marcos handled Mr. Jonathan. What if my way is really harsh." said Nadia, holding back a victorious smile.

"Okay!" said Jonathan with a deep sigh.

"What did Mr. Marcos usually do, sir?" asked Nadia with sweaty hands. For some reason, she should be a professional nurse as a nurse. But, for some reason, facing Jonathan, nervousness hit her heart.

Her hands were shaking when she had to do something nonsensical.

"Take off my pants here!" said Jonathan with a grimace.

"What!! I took off your pants? Not! how can I do that!" said Nadia with a pale face.

"Just do it! Marcos used to be like that." said Jonathan trying to hold his stomach which was already twisted.

"Mr. Marcos might, but what about me? I am a woman!" said Nadia, swallowing her saliva.

"You are a woman, but you are a nurse! how can you not do it? then how can you be a nurse!" said Jonathan already unable to hold back his anger.

Nadia took a deep breath, it wasn't that she didn't know how to deal with it. But what is faced is the enemy. What if she finds out Jonathan's. It is better to do it on patients who are in the hospital because after that they will not see you again. Besides not seeing him, she also forgot about the many patients. And now Jonathan whom she would see every day could possibly be months. How could she just forget.

"Why are you still standing there? do you really want me to poop on the bed?" asked Jonathan with an annoyed look.

"okay." said Nadia as she approached Jonathan.

"Do you have sunglasses?" Nadia asked nervously.

"What for?" asked Jonathan with a surprised look.

"Don't ask too many questions Mr. Arrogant. Where are your glasses?" asked Nadia seriously.

"In the drawer." said Jonathan briefly.

Quickly, Nadia took Jonathan's glasses and put them on immediately.

"What is wrong with you? what do you want at night wearing glasses?" asked Jonathan, confused by Nadia's attitude.

"Just shut up! you want me to help you right?" said Nadia as she turned off the light in one corner of the room, making the atmosphere dim.

"What do you want? I can't stand it anymore you know!!" shouted Jonathan getting annoyed with what Nadia was doing.

Without replying to Jonathan's words, Nadia immediately sat next to Jonathan and unbuttoned Jonathan's pants and zipped them.

"Ouch!!" shouted Jonathan when the zipper nearly hit his trunk.