Nadia nodded her head without arguing again. For Nadia at this time, the most important thing was to meet Jean and Gladys to find a way out.

"I'll excuse me, Mrs. Anne." said Nadia, lowering her face.

"Nadia." called Anne before Nadia left.

"Don't call me madam again. Call me Momy like Jonathan calls me, because from now on you have become my daughter." said Anne as she rubbed Nadia's face.

Once again Nadia nodded her head without being able to argue.

"Okay Momy, excuse me." said Nadia, getting up from her place to look for Marcos, but her steps stopped when Jonathan called out her name.

"Nadia, Wait!!" called Jonathan as he approached Nadia.

"What's the matter Mr. Jonathan, I have to go. I only have a moment and Mrs. Anne has given me permission." said Nadia with an angry look.

"You want to meet your lover, right?" asked Jonathan with his full gaze.