"Mrs. Anne don't worry, I'm sure Miss Nadia can love and look after Mr. Jonathan. Now what you have to worry about is the relationship between Miss Nadia and her friend Jean." said Marcos already investigating and listening to all the problems Nadia and Jean.

"What's up Marcos? What's the connection between Nadia and Jean? who is Jean?" asked Anne with a frown.

"Miss Nadia and Jean are engaged, but Mrs. Anne don't worry. Their engagement was just a charade unlike the engagement of Miss Nadia and Mr Jonathan." said Marcos seriously.

"Why don't I know about this? tell me everything. Where does Jean work? and whose son?" asked Anne, looking worried that she could not let Nadia marry someone other than Jonathan.

"Mrs. Anne take it easy, I've investigated all about Jean. Jean is Miss Nadia's best friend as well as Mr. Jonathan's best friend. Jean the son of Mr. James and Mrs. Valerie. Does Mrs. Anne remember?" said Marcos with a full gaze.