"Do you really not want to hug and kiss me Nadia." said Jonathan showing his sad face.

"Ccckkk !! Mr. Arrogant! what if I don't want to?" said Nadia with an annoyed look.

"I won't believe that you really want to be friends with me. Befriend a man who is weak and disabled." said Jonathan with a serious face.

Really, Jonathan's heart could not help but love Nadia's kiss and heavy breath.

Nadia took a deep breath, really couldn't believe that Jonathan still didn't believe her.

"All right, so Mr. Jonathan needs proof that I really want to be friends with you?" said Nadia, staring at Jonathan's face.

Jonathan nodded his head with a smile.

"Indeed you are truly a perverted arrogant sir!" said Nadia with an exasperated look then hugged Jonathan tightly.

Jonathan closed his eyes feeling Nadia's hug which made his heart very calm.