"I'm stupid! Why don't I go to the guard's house there? I can ask him the keys to this lake house." said Nadia silently, patting her forehead.

Nadia hurriedly walked to the guard's house behind the lake.

Nadia was gasping for breath when she reached the guard's house.

"Excuse me sir." said Nadia when she saw a man in his sixties planting a tree.

The man turned towards Nadia. Nadia was very surprised when she saw that part of the man's face had burns.

"Who are you? why you are here?" asked the man while covering his injured face.

"Sorry sir, my name is Nadia. I'm Mr. Jonathan's future wife. And I can't get into the lake house. May I borrow the house key for just a moment?" Nadia asked, feeling a little scared because the man was staring at her unblinking when she said her name.

"Of course, you can borrow the keys to the house." said the man while giving the keys to the lake house to Nadia.