"I know Uncle Ammer very well, because I come here more often. Since childhood I have lived with Uncle Ammer more. Why Nadia? Why do you want to know about Uncle Ammer? Do you know him?" Jonathan asked looking full at Nadia's face.

Nadia's face looks tense with Jonathan's question.

"I don't know him. I'm just curious, why in a lake house this big... in the forest, an old man lives alone with a burnt face. I can't imagine how he lives his life. He must be very lonely." said Nadia with a very deep feeling of pain.

"It must be Mr Darren and Mrs Anne who caused my father such suffering. Did Mr Darren and Mrs Anne burn my father's face so that I would not recognize my father's face again?" asked Nadia feeling sure that the man was her father because his name was the same as her father's name, namely Ammer.

"Nadia...Nadia! are you daydreaming? what's wrong with you? You haven't eaten since a while ago?" Jonathan asked with a surprised look at Nadia's pale face.