"I've been thinking about asking Gladys for your help too at Nadia's wedding tomorrow with Jean. You and Gladys will accompany Nadia and Jean dressed as a wedding couple too." said Valerie looking at Jonathan with a full gaze.

Jonathan's face immediately changed, looking restless and pale. How can he accompany Nadia and Jean when they get married.

Of course his feelings will be more hurt by accompanying them.

"How do you want Jonathan's role, don't I hope Mr. Jonathan can accompany Nadia and Jean." Valerie said with a pleading look.

Seeing Valerie's eyes looking at him with hopeful eyes, Jonathan couldn't bear to refuse.

"Okay Mrs. Valerie, I will try to accompany Nadia and Jean when they get married tomorrow." said Jonathan with heavy feelings.

Hearing Jonathan's answer, Nadia also felt Jonathan's sadness. How could he see Jonathan's sad face and as if there was no connection between them.