Jonathan raised his face to look at Nadia's eyes, which were serious.

"Well what are you waiting for, now hurry up and take care of me and please get the suit in the closet. I'll wear it from here." Jonathan said looking handsome with his trademark arrogant face.

Nadia just smiled then took Jonathan's suit.

She placed a dark blue suit on the bed beside Jonathan.

"Now that the clothes are ready Mr. Jonathan, what do I do now?" asked Nadia with an exasperated look.

"Hurry up, take care of me Nadia, otherwise...you'll be late for Jean's house." said Jonathan with a smile.

"All right Mr Jonathan, as you say." Nadia said a smile began to treat Jonathan until it was clean and fragrant.

After finishing taking care of Jonathan and then helping him get dressed, Nadia combed her hair to immediately go to Jean's house.

"We're leaving now Mr. Jonathan." said Nadia, still jokingly calling Jonathan as Mr.