"So that she can freely go to the city and not always lock herself in the lake house." said Anne feeling sorry for Ammer.

Moreover, Ammer handed over all the assets and assets of the company to Darren to manage it and will be handed over to Jonathan the sole heir.

"Mrs. Anne, Mr. Darren! Please give your blessing to your two sons and daughters who are legally married." Valerie said with feelings of happiness and sadness because she knew that Jean already loved Nadia.

Soon Anne and Darren approached Jonathan and Nadia. With great affection they stood in front of Jonathan and Nadia who lowered their faces.

As the blessing process began, Anne directed her gaze to the side door of the building. Near the backdrop, Anne saw Ammer staring at her.

Anne quickly approached Ammer and pulled his hand so she could give his blessing to Jonathan and Nadia.