"Jonathan wait baby!" Called Nadia again following Jonathan who entered the forest first.

Not too long ago Nadia was beside Jonathan who was close to the Gazebo.

"What's wrong with you Jo? are you still mad at me?" Nadia asked pulling Jonathan's wheelchair so he could face her.

Jonathan averted his eyes not wanting to look at the face of Nadia who was looking at him.

"Jonathan, why are you silent? Come on, tell me, what happened to you? If you didn't tell me, how would I know?" Nadia said while holding her breath.

"You're still asking me if I'm mad at you Nadia." Jonathan said sometimes feeling annoyed with himself. He can never control his anger and emotions when he is jealous.

"Angry at me because...?" asked Nadia with full eyes.

"Because I'm jealous of Nadia? Don't you know that?" Jonathan said getting annoyed seeing Nadia feel innocent.