"Dance with me." Jimin asked me.  He was drunk, the only thing I could do that moment was laugh.

"No, thank you, but maybe Hoseok will accept it."

"But I want to dance with you." He was being so clingy. I grabbed him by his arm and put him besides Hoseok. "He wants to dance with you." I screamed near Hoseok's ear, the music was so loud. He looked at me with a big smile and gave me a thumbs up.

I went to the sofa, where Zoe was sitting with a beer in her hands, I sat next to her. She came back a few minutes after my talk with Taehyung, I'm glad she was feeling better or that was what it seemed. "I promise I'm okay, is just fan-idol love." I gave her a comforting smile before she started talking again. "I don't think he'll remember it."

"He won't." I said comforting her.

I decided to change the subject to Ashley and Yoongi. I saw  them talking in the kitchen, for a long time, I was wondering what was going on. "What do you think are they talking about?" I asked, staring at them.

"Who knows, but I bet they're talking about music. I can imagine Ashley asking a lot of questions at the same time." We started laughing, Ashley could be annoying sometimes, she was so curious, so she always asked questions about everything, no matter the situation.

I was still laughing when I felt a hand touching my head. I looked at the person,  it was Jin.

"Hey, what's up?" I said, I was no longer laughing because I wanted to have a normal conversation, but he didn't say anything, he pointed with his index finger to the door.

"Do you want to go outside?" I was confused. He nodded. "Well, just go." He didn't move. I gave him a weird look before I kept talking with Zoe.

After about 10 minutes, I was feeling thirsty. I decided to go to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, but when I was almost there, Jin grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him, he started walking to the front door.

I sat next to him, with my legs near my chest, hugging them with my arms. He didn't say anything, after some time, I decided to break the ice.

"Are you okay...?" I asked carefully. He sighed. I looked at him, his head was almost touching the floor, his hands on each hands of the head,  it made me laugh. "Sit properly and tell me what's wrong." I helped him, but he looked sleepy.

"My head hurts..." He complained.

"You've drunk so much. It's your fault." I was joking, it was s kind of funny saw him like this, he looked like a cartoon character. He made a loud, strange sound. I realized he wanted me to shut up.

"Do you want me to ask Namjoon if he wants to be here with you until you feel better?" I asked, I saw they were close, but he shook his head. "Do you want anything at all?" 

"Fresh air." He said, taking a deep breath.

"But it's freezing here, you can catch a cold, can we go inside?"

He looked at me. "Okay, but stay with me until I fell sleep."

I didn't understand what he was talking about, but I agreed, minutes later  I was regretting it.

We were in his room, he had his pajama on and sleeping like a baby, meanwhile I was caressing his hair. He was the oldest, but he looked like the younger sometimes, I smileed at his cuteness.


I was dancing with Jimin on the sofa, both of us laughing.

"I'm having so much fun Taehyungie!" Jimin yelled.

"I know Jimin-ah!" I yelled back.

Jimin got closer, trying to find my ear. I saw him blushing. He told me he needed to go to the bathroom, so I pointed with my hand to the bathroom, but he pointed with his index finger upstairs.

"Please, come with me?" He begged. 

"What? Why do you want me to see you poop?" I was confused. We trusted each other 100%, but I was not in the mood for that type of things.

"You don't have to watch, just stay outside the door."

"Why don't you go alone?"

"If one of the girls opens the door, what? Please Taehyungie, you're my best friend." He pouted, looking at me.

"Okay, fine, c'mon. Be quick."

I got off the sofa, helping Jimin once I was done, I didn't want him hugging the floor again. Once we were upstairs, he grabbed my hand before getting to the bathroom.

"See, I only have you. You're the best." He said, then he closed the door.

I knew that. But I knew that he could just had locked the door, but Jimin being drunk could be kind of dengerous.

10 minutes had passed and Jimin was still inside the bathroom, what was he doing? Was he okay? 

I started walking down the hallway to kill some time, since I was waiting for Jimin,  when I saw one of the doors slightly open. Being the curious I was, I popped my head round the door and I saw the figure of two people, I guessed they were Y/n and Jin hyung, since it had been a while since the last time I saw them that night.

"Omg, Taehyung! You scared me." She whispered. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" Thanks to my comment, she was nervous, I coudn't help but laughed. She stood up before she got the two of us off the room,  she closed the door behind her. "Are you gonna answer Y/nshie?" I smirked, she hit my shoulder.

"It's not what it looks like, you perv!" She said, hitting me again.

"Okay, okay, so what it is?"

"Jin was not feeling well and-" She suddenly stoped talking. "I don't have to give you any explanation, it's my life!" She crossed her arms and turned herself around.

"Don't be mad at me, I was joking." I said, resting my chin on her shoulder.

"You know I don't like it, I was dating Dylan a week ago."

"Yeah, I know Y/nshie, do you want to talk about it?" I was caressing her arms, I wanted her to knew that I was there for her, always.

"Yeah, let's talk about it!" That was Jimin's voice, I turned around,  I saw him walking towards us.

"Jimin?" Y/n said,  surprised. "What are you doing here?"

Jimin put a hand on his chin, "Ah... I live here?"

"Ha, ha, ha. You're so funny." Y/n said, sarcasticlly.

"By the way, what we are gonna talk about?" He said, giggling while he was moving his eyebrows up and down.

"Nothing Jimin, why don't you go downstairs with Taehyung and dance with Jungkook?" She said, faking a smile. I sighed.


I thought about to go downstairs with the others and get on with the party, but I changed my mind. I looked back at Jin's room, he was sleeping peacefully. I decided to sit beside him, caressing his hair once again. I coudn't believe his cuteness, he was looking more world wide cutie than world wide handsome. I laughed at my own thought.

His breathing calmed me, I was feeling tired and I didn't want to go home, I knew it only took 30 seconds, but I couldn't help it. 

I got up and, I went to Taehyung's room, I grabbed his hoodie and some sweatpants. Maybe he would  kill me the next day for using his clothes as my pajamas, but I was so tired and I coudn't sleep with my dress on, it was so uncomfortable.

When I was in Jin's room for the third time , I started to wake him up, I didn't want to sleep beside him if he felt uncomfortable.

"Jin, do you hear me?" I said, caressing his arm, but he only made strange sounds confusing me more. I sat beside him, "Jin, are you awake?" I whispered.

"Mhm." He answered. No, he wasn't.  When I was going to get up, I felt an arm pulling me towards him. I held my breath when my back touched his chest. I found a way to make myself comfortable. That night, Jin hugged me tight and I cried a little. He gave me the hug I needed the most that time, when he was sleeping.