We walked around the port searching  the man's little tent,  Hoseok and Taehyung run after the seagulls, making them fly away, while the rest of us walked peacefully, looking at the different boats and ships.

"Hey, here it is!" Jungkook was so excited, jumping while clapping his hands.

"Okay, calm down, you baby." Jin said, putting his hands inside of his pockets.

We were greeted by the old man, he seemed nice, happy that we were there, I think he didn't believe we would come. He showed us his best boats for us, he said people usually came here in small groups. 

20 minutes later we were far away from everyone, Jin was driving it.

"Hey, can we stop here and swim? I want to know what's underneath." Jungkook was looking at the sea, his head down for a better look.

"If you keep doing this you'll break your neck, and no, you can't." Ashley said, sternly.

"Mmm, why not?" Yoongi, who was watching Jin, turned his head towards us.

"I don't know about Korea, but there're sharks here, so don't do anything stupid if you don't want to become their snack."

I laughed nervously. "Ashley, what are you saying? There's no sharks here, right?"

Ashley looked at me, like if I was delirious. "Don't you remember my uncle's story? Thank god he's alive. The fact that you're terrified of sharks doesn't make them disappear." She was right, sharks were my biggest fear in the world. "But don't worry, they're not that big as in the films, they're kind of little here."

"So, that means I can go for a swim?" Jungkook asked, I saw  a little bit of hope in his eyes.

"Nope." Ashley sat on the bench, stretching her arms outside.

"Watch out, sharks can eat your hand." Taehyung mocked her, Ashley took out her tongue making an angry face, then she looked back at the sea.

Taehyung approached me, he wanted to make sure I was okay, he knew about my fears, too. A few moments later, Hoseok yelled my name inside of the boat. I followed his voice, coming downstairs.

It was amazing, it had a couch, a table, a little kitchen, a bathroom and even a bed. I was in love with it, I wished I could stay there forever.

"Take this." Hoseok gave me a drink, I was not sure what it was though. I drank a little, it had a nice taste, so I keep drinking it. "Tell me, it's not a perfect place to do something romantic? Would you confess your feelings?" I covered his mouth with my hand.

"What? What are you saying?" I yelled. "What if someone had heard you?" I whispered yelled.

"Don't worry, they didn't hear anything." I turned my face at the stairs, Jungkook was standing there, with a grin in his face. 

"Nobody taught you it's a bad thing eavesdrop on other's conversations?" I said, sarcastically.

"Thank God it was me." He said, walking towards us, grabbing a drink when he arrived at the fridge.

"He has a point." Hoseok said.

"I know." I sighted.

We spend the rest of the time looking at the sea, playing, drinking, eating... They sang, too, Ashley cheered them up.  When we arrived, I saw Hoseok and Jungkook whispering,  but I didn't give it importance, I wished I would, and I started walking with the others.

 I coudn't believe it. I was about to die in a little boat with Jin,  of course I wanted to spend time alone with him, but not like that, in the middle of nowhere, with strange creatures. We ended up there because  Hoseok said he left his bag on another boat we saw before get into the right one, so he asked us if we could grab it for him. We ended up leaving the port, Jin said we were lucky.

"Can we go back, please?" I said, looking at the sea with fear in my eyes.

"Don't worry, we're not that far." He was smiling, looking at the horizon.

"I don't think so." From there the port looked so small, I couldn't even hear the sound of the city, I only could hear the sound of the water made by the boat, the gentle breeze and Jin's voice, he was singing, softly.

"Why don't you sing out loud?" I asked, standing by his side.

"I don't want to bother you." He said, lowering his head. Was he blushing?

"I don't mind, I like your voice, it's my favourite."

"Really?" He asked me, now looking at me, his eyes were shining, but maybe was only the effect of the sun on his face.

"Yes, but don't tell Taehyung I told you so, if you do it I'll deny everything." I said, staring at him. He stared at me for a few seconds, then he started laughing.

"You're so funny, you know? We could be the 'worldwide' if you want." He said looking at the horizon. I giggled.

"What are you talking about? Did you drink sea water or something?" I asked, playfully.

"I'm worldwide handsome, you know?" He looked at me, I just giggled an nodded as an answer. "And you are worldwide funny."

"Am I that funny?"

"Well, kind of." Then he laughed again, eyes closed while his arm was on his stomach. I loved his laugh, it was like a sweet melody to my ears, I smiled unconsciously. I would like to spend more time with you Jin.

"Yeah, me too, we always have fun when we're together." I frowned.

"Sorry, what?" I asked, blinking.

"What you said, I would like it, too." I didn't realize I said that out loud.  I stared blushing, even though he already agreed. I always wondered why I was so dumb. I started coughing, lowering my head, trying to avoid his eyes.

"Hey there, you okay?" He asked."I have water, maybe it helps." Maybe I faked my cough too much.

After drinking, we sat on the floor looking at the sea while were were talking, it felt like hours, it was, indeed.

"We have to go back, it's getting dark," Jin said, standing up, "And we don't want problems."

"Problems with what? The others?" I asked, still at the floor.

"Ah... Yes... They probably started panicking." He said, walking to the cabin. I followed him, it was getting darker and darker, making the water look black as well, it gave me goose bumps.

"Do you know how to get back to the port?" I asked, sitting on the little couch.

"Of course, it's so easy. Trust me."

"I trust you." I whispered.

We were talking  about random things to distract myself, the lights on the ceiling where the only ones illuminating the little room.

"I found it!" Jin yelled. I frowned at him, "The far, I didn't see it before, but I do now."

"That means you can drive this thing faster? I think you start driving an hour ago and we aren't there yet."

"Yes don't worry, I thought you liked my company." He gasped, touching his heart dramatically.

"Yes, I do like your company, but I don't like being here-" I stopped talking when a weird sound distracted me. "What was that?"

"Mmm, nothing. Don't worry." 

I heard it again, I looked at the cups and glasses, they were all placed on the small shelf, shaking a little. I looked at Jin, he was staring at the sea while biting his lips.

"J-Jin, is everything okay?" I asked, standing up.

"Uh, yes, sure. Can you do me a favor? Stay here, I'll be right back, I need to check something." He gave me a comforting smile, but he looked a bit nervous. Before leaving the room, he looked at me again, "Don't touch anything." I raised my arms, sitting down again.

He came back a few seconds later, closing the door behind him, it was opened all the time before, we liked the breeze getting into the room, caressing our bodies a little.

"Why did you close the door?"

"Nothing, don't worry." He said, driving again, faster, but not as fast as I had wished.

"Don't freak out, but I think something is following us." I frowned, what did he mean?

"What? A ship? Oh, maybe they're coming back too." I said, relieved.

"If that ship can go underwater and has a big fin, then yes, it's a ship." He said, ironically.

"Wait, what do you mean?" He stared at me a few seconds and then looked back at the sea. I screamed, jumping off the couch and hugging him. "We'll die, right? This thing is gonna eat us alive." I said, almost crying.

"No if you drown first." He joked. I coudn't believe it, why was he making fun of this situation?

"It's," I hit his back with my fist, "Not," I did it again, "Funny." And again. "Why are you laughing?"

"You seem like a little girl sometimes." He giggled.

"The fact that I don't want to be eaten by a shark makes me seem like a little girl to you?" I asked in disbelieve. We heard a little coup again and I grabbed his arm, tightly. He only smiled at me.

"Do you see it?" He pointed with his index finger at the front. I saw lights illuminating something, "It's the port, this bich can't swim that far, they would die. Now relax and close your eyes."

He put my arms around his back, I rested my head on it with my eyes closed, his own scent mixed with the sea water smelled really good, I hugged him tighter.

If I wasn't standing up, I would be asleep by then. When the boat stoped I could hear yells coming from our friends.  Hoseok and Jungkook could think about that before doing it, I would kill them, I sweared.

Jin helped me get out of the boat. As soon as we stepped on the floor, they came running towards us, wondering why we 'run away', the man was there too, obviously.

"I know nowadays young people do crazy things for love, but it was so dangerous, why you came back so late?"

"We're so sorry, it was an accident, we weren't suppose to be there. Besides, we aren't together." I said, looking at the floor, playing with my fingers.

"True, she's like my little sister." Jin said. I looked at him, he was looking at the man with big eyes, waving his hands to attract his attention. My heart ached for a few seconds.

The man frowned. "Accident? What happened?" I looked at Jin, he shook his head, gently, making sure I could only notice it. He looked at the poor man again.

"Oh, nothing, we're not sure either, but we were in the mood, so we thought, hey, why not? That's all, but I'm so sorry for causing you trouble. Is there anything we can do in return?"

The man raised his hand to his chin, tilting his head to the left. "Well, not really, but you have to pay me for this ride, too."

"Oh, sure, there's no proble-" I cut Jin, because it wasn't our fault at all, well, more or less, anyways, I knew who could do it for us. That was my revenge.

"I think Hoseok can pay, right Hobi?" I asked, looking at him with a death stare but smiling friendly. I know it was him, even though Jungkook helped him.

"Uh- ye-yes, of course I can." He said, scratching his head.

"Okay, follow me." The man said, walking away.

"Wait, why are you paying?" Namjoon said, standing in front of Hoseok.

"Because he's my best frie-" I tried to say.

"Hey! I'm your best friend!" Taehyung said, raising his voice,  pouting like a baby. 

"What? No, I'm her best friend!" Ahsley yelled.

"But I'm a boy." Taehyung fought.

"I'm a girl!" Ashley yelled.

I looked sternly at both of them, then I focused my attention to Namjoon. "We're really friends, right Hopie?" I said, faking a smile, with a sweet creepy voice.

"Yes, inseparable." Hoseok said, before running away towards the man, leaving Namjoon helpless.

"You're creepy Y/n, you really are." Yoongi said, "I like it." He smiled at me, I only face-palmed myself.

Ashley went home, the boys were getting into theirs and I was walking towards mine, well, trying to, Taehyung didn't let me.

"But I'm your best friend, right?"

"Oh my god Taehyung, I told you 'Yes, you're' like a hundred times. Can I go home now, please?" I begged.

"Yes, bestie!" He said like a little boy, he hugged me before he left.

When I was about to open the door, someone grabbed my hand. "Taehyung I swear to god I-" When I looked back, I saw Jin, with a small smile, now getting awkward.

"I'm not Tae." He said, giggling.

"Oh, sorry, sometimes he gets on my nerves," I said, passing my left hand through my face, then through my hair, pulling it back. I tried to change the subject, "Anyways, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I want to make sure that our promise still stands." I frowned, smiling awkwardly.

"Promise? What promise?"

"Oh my god, don't tell me you forgot it already?" He gasped, joking. "Our promise, that we'll spend more time together."

"Oh! It was a promise?" He nodded. "Are you sure?" He nodded again, giggling. "Okay, let's keep our promise." I giggled back.

"Perfect, we'll start tomorrow, it's okay with you?" I only nodded, smiling like a fool.

I felt a small pressure in my right hand, I looked at it and I saw our hands still pressed together. I looked at him and he only smiled at me. "Good night, sleep tight." He said, caressing my hand with his thumb.

"Good night." I smiled.

He gave me one last look before walking away to his house. I faced the front door, I closed my eyes, letting out a sight I didn't know I was holding out.