3- Up a creek without a paddle

Confidential esoteric contract:

This business agreement is made between Nina Anderson, the employee, and Andre Beaumont, the employer. The tenure of this agreement lasts till the mission is completed. None of the party can withdraw the business services before the completion of the tenure.

Whereas, the employer desires to obtain the benefit of the services of the employee, and the employee desires to render such services on the terms and conditions set forth.

In consideration of the promises and other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:-

1. The employee agrees that she will at all times faithfully, industriously, and to the best of her skill, ability, experience and talents, perform all of the duties required of her.

2. In carrying out these duties and responsibilities, the employee shall comply with all the employer policies, procedures, rules and regulations, both written and oral, as are announced by the employer from time to time.

3. It is also understood and agreed to, by the employee, that her assignment, duties, responsibilities and reporting arrangements may be changed by the employer in it's sole discretion without causing termination of this agreement.

4. As agreed upon, the employee is required to perform the following duties and undertake the following responsibilities in a professional manner:-

(a) Infiltrate the enemy borders.

(b) Disguise herself as one of the subjects.

(c) Provide all and any kind of services (if) required by the enemy while on duty.

(d) Keep identity of the herself, her employer, and the entire organization completely, and strictly, confidential.

(e) Other duties as may arise from time to time and as may be asigned to the employee.

5. As a compensation for all the services provided, the employee shall be paid in double amount than what she is currently acquiring.

6. All resonable expenses arising out of employment shall be reimbursed by the organization in due time.

7. The employer must ensure full safety of the employee until the termination of mission.

8. In case of any kind of disloyalty, treachery or duplicity towards the company, the employer is given full authorization to take an action of any kind, deemed suitable to him, at sight.

Signed: _________________


"No. No. No.. N-n-n-noo.. This can't be happening." I look at Andre for any kind of humor in his eyes. I expect him to start laughing any second now and tell me how this is some kind of a joke for a TV show or something. But all I get is a straight face from him.

My hands start to tremble uncontrollably and my heart starts beating at a rhythm I'm sure is very abnormal. I look at him pleadingly, looking for any kind of approval if not humor. Maybe if he can just let me go..

But as soon as that thought crosses my mind, I feel a cold metal on my right knee. My eyes bug out as I realize what actually is poking me from under the table.

"Don't even think about it. There's no running away."

Anger and frustration evades my mind as soon as I hear those words from the cold bastard's mouth. That's the moment when I finally realize, there's no going back. I'm stuck! And the only way to get out might be if I can just play along. As if that's worked a lot for me up until now.

"This has got to be some kind of a sick joke." I state dejectedly as soon as he's sure I'm not running away and puts the gun back where he got it from.

"I kid you not."

"B-but... How does this even have my name on it? I never met anyone let alone agreeing to meeting and making a deal about I don't even know what? I don't even know of this, whatever this is, is legal for crying out loud. This is so messed up, I don't want to be involved with this kind of stuff and.. and..." I'm not even able to complete my sentence when tears start welling up in my eyes.

Andre sighs and pours me a glass of water, "Drink this water. I think I owe you an explanation at least."

"You think!"

He rolls his eyes and starts telling me his unbelievable story, "We are a hundred percent legal undercover organization working under the government. We're called the BSOIA. Currently we're working on something huge, we've done everything that needed to be done, the only job left is infiltration which you now know according to the contract—"

"Woah woah woah, stop it right there!" Pointing an accusing finger at him, I continue, "You're not getting away with this so easily. I don't give a rats ass about your organization and infiltrations and shit. All I want is to know why in the world is MY name on that contract and why am I, of all the people being dragged into this mess? Huh? And what the hell is BSOAI?"


"Yeah yeah whatever. That doesn't answer my question."

"Your question will be answered if you let me finish." Andre glares at me looking frustrated. Good, serves him right.

"As I was saying, BSOIA stand for Brazilian sex offenders intelligence agency. We were close to the target, but we couldn't reach him. That's when we needed someone to give us the inside information, and that role would only be perfectly played by an actress."

"But wouldn't that actress be known by someone from the inside?"

"Exactly what we thought. And that's when you came in the picture. An actress who is good but has no career. Thus, not known by many."

"Heyy, that is so judgmental of you! I still have a lot of followers on Instagram you know."

"Darling, the state I saw you in today, clearly shows you don't have more than fifty." He says cockily as he takes a gulp from his glass of water.

"At least it's something. I bet you you don't even have a single person in your life who likes you."

Andre spits the water out and starts coughing hysterically. I smile proudly at myself for the huge risky and yet, very correct assumption I just made.

"The point is, what are the chances that among the fifty followers, even one is inside? And we're talking about human traffickers."

"You're right. They probably prefer watching pornos."

Andre bobs his head approvingly. I drink a couple of more glasses of water to ease up my nerves and ask the question I've been dreading to ask him in the first place, "How dangerous is it?"

"Don't worry. If you're careful enough and follow my orders, you'll be safe and gone before you know it. On the bright side, you'll have money and safety."

"What if I don't want to be a part of this?" I ask him pleadingly.

"That is not an option. But I can give you a favor? If you like, once the mission is a success, I promise to get you a proper role in a more successful movie."

"You're so sure of yourself." I mumble to myself.

"That, I am." Andre chuckles.

Begrudgingly, I sign the contract and get lost in my own train of thoughts. I feel like I just sold my soul to the devil.

I sit there looking at the piece of paper in my hand feeling dumbstruck. What had gotten into me in the first place? I should have known better and run away when I had a chance. Instead, here I am failing at my career and still, destiny had the audacity to get me involved into something I might not even be able to get out of.

I start hyperventilating as I read the points of the contract for the nth time. Any kind of action deemed suitable to him? So it means he can kill me whenever he wants wherever he wants. I mean why wouldn't he? It's not like he knows me well or anything.

All I can think about is running away or drowning in this sea. Being so caught up with this situtaion, I don't realize how many glasses of water I have already taken.

I look to my right and see boys playing soccer. Which is weird because this is a restaurant and not some stadium. It's suddenly getting pretty crowded here. Maybe I should try running away. He can kill me at sight, but not if he can't find me.

Speaking of drowning, I look beyond the terrace, to the beautiful old structured buildings still standing erect, so proudly. Glancing at the sea to the right of the houses, I admire the beauty of the clear water of Rio De Janeiro. Maybe if I make it out of here alive, I won't be able to see this beauty again.

Looking at the small boats from here, all I want to do is stay here and go fishing or skinny dipping one last time. But then something very very strange happens.

Have you ever looked at the horizon and noticed how everything goes down at the edge? Everything looks round as if you're living inside a crystal ball. Which is a fact since the earth is round. Anyways, when you look up, you see that the sky is round, if you look at the ground, you can see how it goes down. But instead of the water going down near the edge, I can see it coming upwards.

"Hey, does anyone see that?" I ask horriedly as the water starts going high up towards the sky. It goes so high up that it suddenly starts rushing towards us at full speed.

"Oh God what's going on?" I cry out and jump out off my chair trying to run away.

"You okay there?"

I look around my surrounding and I'm suddenly on the ground instead of standing. I jump up and examine the waters to find everything completely normal. Even the boys playing soccer are gone, and the like before, the terrace has only a couple of tables filled with people apart from us, with all of their eyes trained on me.

"W-what happened?" I ask Andre with a frown.

"You passed out after signing the contract. Don't take it to the heart so much. It's not as bad as you think."

"Easy for you to say." I scoff at him.

Feeling nervous and flushed over my skit I just pulled, I try getting out of this situation, "I need to use the restroom before I discuss this whole thing any further."

"Sure. I'm not going anywhere."

I scowl at him before leaving. Inside the restroom, I see almost six women whispering to each other in Portuguese. Each one dressed in the most beautifully expensive dress you can find in market. They lower their voices when they see me approaching and look at me intently.

I use the restroom and after washing my hands, I stand at the mirror looking at my own reflection intently.

My lower lip quivers as unshed tears threaten my eyes. I have never been in this kind of a terrifying situation before. Just when I thought everything was getting better, I end up in a die or die situation.

Thinking about the possibilities and infinite paths that can lead to my death or sufferings, runs an electric shiver down my spine. I get goosebumps all over my body and I'm suddenly drenched in cold sweat.

Finally removing my gaze from myself, I wet my hands and tap them all over my face and neck to calm my nerves. Taking deep breaths, I can slowly feel myself getting a hold of the panic I was about to have.

Once I'm sure I'm better, I start reapplying my lipstick. Honestly, anything that helps me right now in keeping even an inch of distance from Andre is a blessing. I'm almost done talking to myself when one girl comes stand beside me doing the same. She has on a beautiful red gown and I can't help but admire her beauty. After a minute of admiring her, I put my lipstick back in my clutch and am about to leave when the woman suddenly looks at me.

"Voce nao deveria estar aqui."

(You shouldn't be here)