
We met by chance, and it was the last thing I anticipated to happen. As a result, I never desired to see him again. That made sense, too, because I was about to move to a new place for college.

I wasn't thrilled to be leaving Mom behind, but I didn't have an option. Minni and I made the decision to live together in the college dorm. Minni is the same girl that requested me to meet Neil a few days ago.

Because of it, she had already heard enough from me. However, it was not her fault. It was Neil who was to blame. At the very least, he could have told us he wasn't coming. Regardless, I was still enraged with him. How irresponsible!

Minni is the only friend except from Adi with whom I talk with now. They have always been there for me all this while. Recently, she has joined a NGO and is doing pretty well. She wanted to do it for a long time and she succeeded.

I still cannot believe how crazy she was at college.

Few years back;

Light sun rays escape through the slight gap in between the curtains filling the room bit by bit and slowly the entire place is enlightened by the golden shimmery rays making it much warmer now . That is enough to awake someone early in the morning. It was still 6 AM but I already woke up as if those sun rays were allowed to come in purposely and just work as an alarm on me.

I go straight to the washroom for a shower. Then to the shelf where we put snacks and stuffs.I had to make some breakfast for myself and my roommate, Minni who is still asleep.We moved in to the dorm as soon as the semester started.Minni is a person who actually slept the whole week and wake up only in the weekends.I mean how could she be such a sleepy head.But accept that she was one of my closest friends even though we were poles apart.

She is still the same -crazy and unpredictable! We have known each other since 5th grade and we are friends till today.Not many of my classmates are still in contact except a very few.But Minni has always been there for me.We are absolute friends.

Well we did not know much about each other at very first time.It was only when we had to do a school assignment together.I still remember the day I went to her house.That moment was actually very embarrassing and of course her top secret.So this is what happened- I went straight to her room because her mother told me she was there and found herself coming out of her bathroom..."naked".

Literally she screamed in her high pitched voice that probably shook the entire house or maybe even the whole neighborhood. She's seriously something,right...I have never seen someone who comes out of her bathroom naked and that too holding the towel on one hand.But that was not the end .Actually her mother came running up to her room as well .Finally, she wrapped herself with that towel.

As usual I took a bottle of milk, added a little bit of turmeric and two drops of honey to it, while on the other side the toasts are getting ready. I went back to my room to get ready for my part time job at the College's Library. It's not like I was short on cash or had a hard time making ends meet; I just needed to keep myself occupied in some way, and who would miss the convenience of reading books whenever I wanted, as much as I liked? Clearly, it was the best option.

Mom was all by herself at home and I made sure to give her a call everyday. After drinking the whole glass of milk and putting the toast in mouth I left the dorm.I had no time to wait for dorm breakfast.

Again from 9 AM onwards I had to attend the lectures. Minni somehow manages to get on time. Later we will have lunch together.Finally after hours we both return to our dorm.

Now this is exactly what happened in the week days, but there was not much to do on the weekends as well. It's almost loaded with a lot of assignments and if not, work find its own way to me. On the other side, Minni enjoyed with her friends or spent her whole day watching K Drama's.

I wanted to enjoy myself, do things I like but it just....did not happen.Maybe because I was too busy to have time for myself.
