Three stuck in one...

I looked around to see people staring at me. Probably because they never expected for someone who would run into a moving train all of a sudden. This is embarrassing. Now I don't even know which bogie I am in. Well this seems to be the sleeper class, so maybe I'm two three bogies away from the one we are actually traveling in.

This is not what I expected. I was not even interested in this stupid expedition. It's all because of Min. Let me get my hands on her.

After straddling at the door and gaining a lot of attention, it was now out of my control.I need to hide somewhere.I can't handle this anymore. And this train, what's wrong with this? Why is it shaking so much? I have to take a seat. It's not possible to stand for so long. But for that I need to pass through this tiny passage with people on both sides.

I passed through people on both sides trying to hold each handle or pole for support remembering not to trip. I have already had enough for the whole day. So I guess there's no need for more.

After passing through the entire bogie I ended up in front of the toilet. There is not even a tiny spot for me to fix in my butt. God! I leaned back beside the exit door that was attached just next to the toilet. I don't know when the train is going to stop. How far is the next station? I shoved my hands into my jeans for my phone.


"Where is my phone?Did I drop it somewhere? "

I searched for one more time but there was nothing. This is not done. I went to a person sitting just next to the partition.

"Sir, can I have your phone? I need to call someone? "

"Ahh.. Okay.. Sure."

"Thank you" I took the phone and went back to my same spot. It's a relief that I remember Min's mobile number. Though I am not expecting her to pick up but still…

To my surprise she picked up at the first ring.

"Hello," I said.

"Hello!! Hello! Hey is it Bella? Where are you? I'm so sorry I couldn't catch you. Did you go back? "

"What? No… how can I go back? I don't even have the keys? "

"Oh… thats….I'm sorry"

"You should be. "

"Then where are you?You just vanished all of sudden? "

"I'm on the train. Somehow I managed to get in. "

"Great!!! "

"Not at all. I have been getting strange looks since I entered. It's all because of you"

"Oh….honey.You should be happy because you are getting so much attention now! " She laughs

"It's not welcoming" I say. This time she laughs even louder and I take the phone away. It's dangerous.

"Okay,now the next station is not that far so come back once it stops. "Hungs up the phone.

Sigh. Poor me. I gave the phone back and thanked him once more. In situations like this people are more humble than ever. I was about to leave but the person stopped me.

" Well….it must be weird. But you look devastated. "and let out a laugh accompanied by the aunties around him.

" Yeah"I say with a grin. I went back to the same place and looked up at the tiny mirror letting out a sigh. Indeed.

There was a small wash basin attached with the wall. I washed my face off and wiped it with the small handkerchief that I had. At least I had something with me.

The fresh air getting inside through the window brushed my whole body.It's such a good feeling but not for me. I needed to sit somewhere.My legs were already numb. Then there was only one choice left. The commode.

I knocked at the door to check if someone was there and thankfully no one replied. I turned the lock to open but it was locked. I knocked again.

"Excuse me, but can you do it faster"

No reply.

"How long will you take? "

Again,no reply. Maybe someone is really in a bad condition.

"Well, at least answer? "

The door swings open and a bare chest comes just in front of me. I was confused at first and realized maybe I knocked on the wrong door. Without looking up I took my steps back and turned my face towards the logo to confirm. Well it does seem like a female figure wearing a skirt. Then what did I see just now?

I knocked again. I need an answer, what is that bare chest doing inside a toilet? Well a ladies toilet.

"Open the door. " He opened as soon as I asked.

"What? " I looked up to see a familiar face. It's him. He's the one from our rival college and my whole college is crazy about him. They say he's handsome as hell and he doesn't make girlfriends.

"What… What are you doing here? "I ask.

"Why do you need to know? "

Look at his attitude.

"Well this is not your place" I say pointing towards the signboard.

"Oh…well just use the other one. There's no difference anyway"

Now I'm pissed. I glared at him and saw a head peeking at me from behind him. It's a girl and I know her.

"Lily, what are you doing here? " I shouted.

"Shh…..Shut up... why are you shouting?" He covered my mouth and gestured to me to be quiet as we heard footsteps coming that side. He pulled me in and locked the door.

"What are you doing? " I release myself from him .He brings his index finger on my lips and puts his ear on the door. Even I tried to hear accompanied by Lily. When there was no more sound we all let out a breath. I looked up to see Lily with her hair almost unsettled and of course the bare chested man. They were staring at me as well.

Finally I realized the situation. These guys were making out here. I knocked and interrupted. Then he pulled me inside so that we wouldn't get caught. Now I'm here with two people beside me in this tiny toilet… the same time…..together.

"It's suffocating,right? " I blurted as I took a seat at last,in the commode.

"Yeah"they say together.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were…."

"Okay…okay stop. Just don't tell anyone" Lily says.

"I'll not. But why were you doing it here? "

"Well, this is safe and that instructor is there so…."he explains as puts on the shirt. I nod.

" What about you Bella,why are you here? "Lily asks.

" Don't ask…. Actually it's because of you"

"Me? "

"Yes" I told them the whole story. Though it was a bit embarrassing, I wanted her to know.

"Hey, you could have taken a taxi" He asks.

"No" We both say in unison.

"The taxi drivers are on strike.

" I say"and bus is just not possible "

"Oh… I'm sorry, actually I forgot to pick you up" Lily says.


"By the way, why is this boy here? I mean is he going with us? "

"Hey.... I have a name, Adit. Just call me Adi!"

"Okay….but why are you here? "

"I'm going with you all"

Now I know why Min and others were so excited.

"Leave that..tell me how are we going to get out of here? " Lily asks.

"Through this door"I say.

" No… I mean how can we get out of together.Isn't it weird to see three of us coming out of one toilet. "

